Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,60

body further out the window. Her ass was the only part of her I could see and I grinned to myself before smacking it. She squealed and sat back down in her seat.

“Stop it!”

“What? You had it right there in front of me, what did you expect me to do?”

She rolled her eyes as I pulled in next to the gas pumps. I sent a quick text to Jade, letting her know that we would be right behind them once we filled up. As I stuck my card in the machine, Chloe got out and walked into the store. I watched her go, smiling to myself. It was good to have her back with me, especially now that I knew everything Kadi told me had been a lie.

I finished filling up and walked into the store to find the bathroom. Chloe was standing in line and I pointed to the bathroom in the back of the store, letting her know I’d be just a minute. As I walked in and locked the door, I was relieved to see that it was a single stall bathroom so I knew I wouldn’t be interrupted.

The bag in my pocket felt like a lead weight as I pulled it out and stared at the white powder inside. What the hell was I doing? Everything was fine between us now and I didn’t need to do this. I debated on dumping it down the toilet, but quickly shoved the thought aside. There was no reason to just throw my money away; I would finish this bag and then be done with it all.

I pulled the mirror and dollar bill out of my pocket and set them on the sink. I dumped a small amount out and made a line, snorting it quickly. Just as I finished, someone started beating on the bathroom door.

“Hold on!” I shouted as I stashed everything back in my pocket. My heart was beating out of my chest as I looked around, making sure that I had left no evidence behind. I threw the door open to see Chloe standing there waiting for me.

She smiled brightly as she handed me a soda. “You take longer than a girl. Hurry up or we’ll never catch up with the bus!”

I wiped my nose to make sure there were no traces of powder as I followed her out of the store. I started to feel the effects as we walked back to the car; it had been a couple of hours since my last fix and I instantly started to relax as I felt the rush running through my veins. I stopped Chloe just as she started to open her door and kissed her hard on the mouth. She sighed and her lips parted as I ran my tongue along her bottom lip.

I pulled away and she stared up at me, breathless. “What was that for?”

“Because I felt like it. Do I need a reason?”

“Nope, you can kiss me like that anytime you want.” She said as she slid into her seat.

I closed her door and walked around the car to get in. As I sat down, I noticed her sifting through the massive bag she called a purse. I refused to ever stick my hand in that thing; I had seen her pull her hand out cursing from some kind of injury far too many times to feel safe sticking my own hand in. How would I play guitar if I lost a hand to some unknown purse beast?

“What are you doing?” I asked as she continued to dig.

“Ha! Found them!” She pulled out a pill bottle with a triumphant look on her face. “My ribs are starting to hurt so I was trying to find my pain pills.”

I watched her wearily as she popped the top and pulled out a small white pill. I didn’t want that temptation around me as well. “Do you really need those?”

“Um, yeah. If I don’t take one every couple of hours my ribs and face start throbbing. What’s the big deal?”

“Nothing, I just don’t want you stoned and trying to seduce me while I‘m driving.” I joked, hoping she wouldn’t notice my discomfort.

“Pretty sure I’d have to take more than one to make me do that while you’re on the interstate,” she smiled at me playfully, “Although, we’re not on the interstate just yet.”

She reached across the console and ran her hand across my leg. I bit back a groan as I pushed her hand away. Copyright 2016 - 2024