Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,59

alone. I put my stupid band before you.”

I shook my head. “It’s not your fault. Jordan was watching me like a hawk and it still happened. Even if you had been there, she would have found a way to get to me. Your band is important to you, I would never expect you to give it up for me.”

“Nothing is more important than you.”

“Seriously, stop beating yourself up. Regrets will get you nowhere; we’re together now and that’s all that matters.”

He kissed me again and I shivered at the sensations that it caused. “I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you too. I feel like we have a lot of time to make up for.” I gave him a devious grin.

He laughed as he shook his head. “Not happening; at least not until you’re healed. Besides, it’s kind of hard to do any of the things I want to do to you in a small bunk on a bus filled with people.”

“I’m not made of glass and I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if we went to a hotel for the night.”

He brushed his hand against my ribs and I grimaced. “Not made of glass huh? While I’m not opposed to getting a room with you, we’ve got to get back on the road. Jade already had to cancel two shows because of my dumb ass. If we miss anymore, she’ll be out for blood.”

“Fine,” I pouted, “We should probably get back then. I need to take Jordan home then I’ll meet back up with you.”

He frowned. “Stay with me overnight, then you can take him home. I just got you back; I’m not ready to give you up just yet.”

“Sounds like a plan to me as long as he’s ok with it.”

He pulled me to my feet and started pulling me through the park, but stopped at one of the pits that were used to build fires in.

“Give me those pictures.”

I handed them to him and watched as he laid them in the pit and pulled his lighter out. Without a second thought, he lite the envelope on fire and watched as it and the pictures inside started to burn.

When there was nothing left but ashes, he turned to me. “There. Now I’m ready.”

I smiled up at him as he took my hand and led me out of the park and back to the bus. Jordan exited as soon as he saw us, worry etched into his face.

“Everything ok?” He asked as he eyed Drake suspiciously.

“Yeah, we’re good. You up for a small road trip?” I asked as I walked back to my car.

“Um, sure?” It came out as a question more than a statement.

“Just one more night and then I’ll take you home.”

“Fair enough, you want me to drive?” He asked.

I pulled my keys out and handed them to him. “Sure.”

Drake pulled me to him, careful not to touch my ribs. “She’s on the bus with me, or I’ll just ride in the car with her. Your choice.”

Jordan rolled his eyes as he tossed the keys to Drake. “By all means princess, I’ll just hang out on the bus.”

I gave him an apologetic smile as he shook his head and boarded the bus.

Drake helped me into the car before taking a seat behind the wheel. “He’s had you long enough, it’s my turn.”

Shortly after Jade came out and Drake explained the driving situation, we were on the road. I smiled as I rolled my window down and let the warm summer air blow through my hair. Drake was safe and we were going to be ok; things were finally starting to look up for us.

Chapter Fourteen


I laughed as I watched Chloe stick her head out of the car window. “What are you doing?”

“Pretending to be a dog,” she deadpanned, “What do you think? I’m letting the wind blow my hair!”

“The dog excuse sounded better.” I said as she smacked me.

“Shut up! This is the first time I’ve felt free in a long time.”

“Go right ahead, but when you eat a bug don’t come crying to me.”

She stuck her tongue out as I gunned the engine and flew down the interstate, passing the tour bus. She flew backwards into her seat cursing and clutching her side. “Damn it, watch the ribs!”

I instantly felt guilty. “Sorry babe.”

She grinned as she leaned back out the window. “Just kidding!”

I frowned. “Not funny.”

I took the next exit to fill up on gas and make a pit stop. As I drove down the exit ramp, she stuck her Copyright 2016 - 2024