Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,50

I hope you know that.”

He scooted me over and settled down on the bed beside me as he took one of the ear buds from me. “I intend on it, now play us some music.”

We spent the next couple hours listening to some of my favorite artists, such as Three Days Grace, Seether, Disturbed, Papa Roach, Avenged Sevenfold, and several others. Jordan didn’t know half of the songs I played and I spent most of the time telling him about each of the bands while playing what I considered must haves.

By the time evening rolled around, I had him addicted to several new bands and I felt proud of myself. If there was one thing I valued above all else, it was music. When I played some of Drake’s songs, he was as blown away by them as I was.

A soft knock came on the door and Kadi stuck her head in. “Can I come in?”

I pulled the headphones from our ears and motioned for her to enter. “Sure, I was just educating Jordan on real music.”

She smiled as she stepped inside the room and closed the door. “I heard what happened, how are you feeling?”

“I’m fine, just a little sore.”

Her phone dinged and she held it up to read the text. She replied back and held the phone up in the air. “Ugh, I have like no service in this room!”

She finally managed to get it to send and slipped the phone back into her pocket. “Anyway, I feel terrible, if I hadn’t left you alone she never would have had the chance to hurt you.”

“Don’t worry about it, you had no idea she would show up,” I glanced at Jordan, “No one did.”

He frowned but kept his mouth shut.

Kadi gave me a small smile. “That still doesn’t make me feel any better.”

“Everyone needs to stop beating themselves up over it. My mother is the one at fault, no one else.”

I was getting so sick of everyone blaming themselves for something that was completely out of their control.

“Alright, well I just wanted to see how you were doing. I’m going to be out of town for a couple of weeks, so I probably won’t see you for a while,” she said as she walked to the door.

“Ok, where are you going?” I asked.

She paused for a moment before answering. “Uh, I’m going to go stay with my cousin.”

She seemed uncomfortable with my question, but I couldn’t figure out why. I decided to let it go as we said our goodbyes.

Jordan hopped out of bed and grabbed a pair of clothes off the chair beside my dresser. “I’m going to go shower.”

“Have fun, I’ll try to stay out of trouble while you’re gone.” I said as I stuck my tongue out at his back.

He laughed as he walked into the bathroom. “I saw that.”

I spent the next week holed up in my room with only Jordan for company. Danny would stop in from time to time, but I knew he was busy trying to work with Jim to handle his mother’s companies. We spent most of the time watching television or I would call Drake when he wasn’t busy. I promised him that I would try to meet up with him the following week. Jordan didn’t seem happy about me leaving, but he wouldn’t say anything about it. I was worried too, when Drake saw my bruises I knew he would flip.

By the end of the week, I was able to get up and move around the house a bit. I was still sore, but the exercise was helping to loosen my body. I even convinced Jordan to take me across the Ocean Gateway so that we could walk around the boardwalk for a while. I tried to ignore the looks people gave us as they saw the bruises on my face. They had turned a nasty yellow color and I knew I looked horrible.

I laughed out loud when Jordan forced me to stop at The Fractured Prune. “Are you serious right now?” I asked.

“Trust me, they have the best donuts ever!” He said as he ordered us two donuts.

After my first bite, I had to agree. They put all donuts that I had ever had to shame and I made him get me another one before we left.

As we were walking back up the boardwalk to where the car was parked, my phone rang. I pulled it from my pocket and looked at my screen. I was surprised to Copyright 2016 - 2024