Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,49

it’s just some big bad football player is spoon-feeding me soup. If this gets out, it’s going to ruin your macho football player reputation.”

He snorted. “Like I give a damn about my reputation. I’d quit football right now if it meant you weren’t lying in this hospital bed nearly beaten to death. It’s because of my football shit that you’re here anyway.”

“Don’t say that Jordan, she was after me and it would have happened eventually. You can’t blame yourself for another person’s actions.”

“It was my fault. Drake trusted me to take care of you and I let both of you down.”

I sighed as I gave up arguing with him. There was no changing his mind and I was too tired to fight about it anyway. Jordan could be just as stubborn as Drake when he wanted to be.

I forced Danny and Jordan to both go home for the night. I thought I was literally going to have to get up and push Jordan out the door, not that I would have been able to do much, even on a good day.

He finally gave in when I told him he looked like crap and was starting to smell funny. As they walked out the door, he told me that he would be back bright and early the next morning. I had no doubt that he’d stick to his word.

Once they finally left and the night nurse came in to check on me, I grabbed my phone off the cart beside me and unlocked it. Danny had been kind enough to bring it with him the night before and I appreciated his thoughtfulness.

My stomach dropped as I noticed several missed calls and texts from Drake. I read through all of his texts quickly, each one growing more and more concerned. The last one had been sent only an hour before.

Drake: Chloe I’m seriously freaking out over here. I can’t reach you, Danny, OR Jordan. If you don’t answer me soon I’m coming back to check on you!

Me: I’m fine, I’ve been sleeping all day. I caught some kind of stomach bug.

As I hit send, I instantly felt guilty about lying to him yet again. But if I told him what happened he would cancel all of his shows and coming running back to me. I got a reply almost instantly.

Drake: Good God Chloe, you scared the shit out of me. Why the hell wouldn’t Danny and Jordan answer their phones?

Me: I have no idea, I haven’t talked to either of them much today. I’m fine so you can stop worrying, but I am tired so I’m going back to bed. If you don’t hear from me tomorrow, I’m fine.

Drake: Ok. Sorry I pretty much blew up your phone, I just worry about you with your mom being there. I’ll talk to you later. Love you.

I was released the next morning like the doctor had said. After a quick stop at the pharmacy to pick up my pain medication, Jordan drove me straight home and helped me up to my room. I decided that if his football career ever ended, he would make an excellent nurse. He fussed over every little thing, constantly asking me if I was comfortable.

After the fourth time he fluffed my pillows, I pointed to the door. “Enough! You’re going to drive me nuts Jordan, go fluff Danny’s pillows or something!”

He smiled sheepishly. “Sorry Chloe Bear, I just want to make sure you’re comfortable. Do you need another pain pill? Or I can have Allison make you some soup.”

I groaned and threw a pillow over my face. “Just smother me with the damn pillow, it’ll save us both some time.”

He ripped the pillow away and glared at me. “Not funny.”

“Sorry, but seriously I’m fine. Just grab my iPod off the dresser and hand it to me. I’ll just lay here and listen to some music and you can go do something else.”

He walked to my dresser and grabbed my iPod for me. “I’m not leaving you alone again, so you might as well get used to me.”

“She’s not going to come back here Jordan, she’s not that stupid. I’m officially relieving you of your babysitting duties.”

“I’m not taking any chances so you’re stuck with me.”

I snatched the iPod out of his hand. “You have to sleep sometime you know.”

“I will, but I’ll be sleeping in here. If you won’t let me sleep in the bed with you, I’ll just sleep on the floor.”

“You’re going to drive me to drink, Copyright 2016 - 2024