Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,25

door. “Surprise.”

She stepped out of the car and looked over at me. “The beach? We were just here earlier today.”

I opened the back door and hauled my guitar case out. “I know, but I wanted to come out here, just the two of us.”

She glanced down at the case in my hand and grinned. “Are you going to serenade me next to the ocean? I think that might be the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard.”

“Something like that.” I said as I wrapped my arm around her and led her down the beach. We walked in silence as we listened to our footsteps against the sand and the waves crashing against the beach.

It was late in the evening, but there were still several groups of people milling around the beach. I led her away from them until I found a place that we could sit together and not be disturbed. I released her hand as I sat the guitar case in the sand and pulled my guitar out. She sat down next to me and watched as I tuned it up a bit.

When I was happy with the way it sounded, I took a seat beside her in the sand and started strumming softly. I had worked on this song by myself, something just for her, and I felt nervous as I played it to her for the first time. The music was similar to Seether’s Plastic Man, and I found myself humming along to get the feel of it. I played a few more chords before I finally found my voice and started singing softly to her, laying out every emotion I felt for her.

I feel the sun against my skin,

Surrounding me,

The light it brings with it,

Sets my world on fire,

Everything feels so clear

So bright with it near,

I feel like my life isn’t so far off base,

Maybe it was meant to bring me peace,

So that I can discover what’s real,

I need to feel you against my skin,

You’re my flame,

It burns deep within me,

I think I’ve finally found it this time,

So sun, promise me,

Even when we’re millions of miles apart,

You’ll still think of me

I continued to strum until I had finished the song. I looked up to see Chloe smiling at me with tears in her eyes. I set my guitar carefully back into its case before turning back to her and cupping her face.

“You mean the world to me baby, I hope you know that. I feel like I’m complete when I have you around and I don’t want this time apart to change anything about us. I don’t think I’d survive without you, now that I’ve found you.” I said as I leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips.

I loved this woman so much and I wanted to show her. I was never good with emotions or my feelings, but music I could do. It had always been my outlet, and I hoped she would understand just how important she was to me. I wanted to give her everything on this Earth, and I knew one day I wanted to give her my last name as well. I knew asking her right now would be wrong; neither of us were ready for that, but someday I would.

Tears slid down her face as she looked up at me and I felt like I was watching a crying angel.

“I’m going to miss you so much Drake, you have no idea. This is going to be so hard,” she whispered as I wiped her tears away.

“Don’t cry baby, I’ll call you ever day until you’re with me again. You’ll be sick of me and throw your phone into the ocean before it’s all over with.”

She grinned. “I don’t think you have to worry about that happening. I don’t think I could get sick of you even if I tried.”

“I’m holding you to that, just so you know.” I said as my lips found hers. The kiss said everything that I couldn’t. I threw myself into it, telling her just how much I loved and wanted her, how much I was going to miss her.

I laid her down onto the sand and covered her body with mine as I continued to kiss her. There was no feeling in the world like having her skin pressed against mine. I moaned as she slowly undid the buttons on my shirt and ran her hand across my bare skin. Lightening shot through my body as she tugged on one of my nipple rings Copyright 2016 - 2024