Twisted (Torn Series) Page 0,24

me about it. I’m just going to stick close to Jordan and Danny after Drake leaves. She won’t try anything with both of them around me.”

“I hope not, just watch your back girlie, and I want you to call me constantly to let me know you’re ok!”

“I will, but I need to go, I’m taking Drake out to dinner tonight. I’ll talk to you guys later.”

I disconnected the call and made my way inside the house and up to my bedroom. Drake was already in there and my mouth dropped at the sight of him in khaki shorts and a nice button up shirt. I don’t think I had ever seen him out of basketball short or jeans and a t-shirt.

He looked up and grinned as I entered. “Not a word or I’m changing. I look ridiculous.”

I giggled as I stepped closer to inspect him. Even with the change in clothes, there was no way to hide that bad boy side of him. His tattoo peaked out of both sleeves and his lip and eyebrow ring were both still in, giving him that “Don’t mess with me” look, despite his outfit. He looked the best of both worlds.

“You look great and I’m impressed, you clean up nice.” I said as I ran a hand down his unbuttoned shirt and circled the tattoo over his heart. With our identical tattoos, I felt connected to him and I loved that feeling.

“Whatever, just get dressed before I change my mind and go to the closest bar around here,” he said as he walked by and smacked me on the butt.

I held up two fingers and gave him a salute. “Yes, sir!”

I decided to take extra care getting ready for our last date in a while. Even once I caught up with him on the road, I knew he would be far too busy to take me out and I was ok with that. He was living his dream and I fully supported him. I found a pretty white sundress and a pair of white flats to wear before starting on my hair and make-up. I took extra care with both, wanting him to remember me like this while we were apart.

When I moved onto my hair, he groaned. “Seriously woman, how long does it take to get ready?”

I threw my hairbrush at him and he ducked as he laughed. “Alright, I’ll shut up. Just hurry up, I’m starving.”

Just to annoy him, I took far longer than was necessary for my hair. When I finished, he grabbed my purse off the bed and all but carried me out of the room. I laughed as he led me down the stairs and out to my car. Danny and Jordan were standing by Danny’s car and waved as we passed.

“We’re going out to dinner, we’ll be back later!” I shouted over my shoulder as Drake shoved me to my car.

When we were both settled in, I put the key in the ignition, but waited to start it. “Impatient much?” I asked.

“I told you I was starving, now come on!” He said as he reached over and started the car for me.

Chapter Six


Chloe and I spent the entire evening out together. She took me to a restaurant that was far nicer than anything I would have wanted, but she seemed so excited and I couldn't deny her anything. When we finished, I convinced her to let me drive her car so that I could take her to the beach as a surprise. I knew how much she loved the beach, and I wanted her to remember this night with me and hold it close to her heart while I was gone.

I had stashed my acoustic guitar in the back seat of her car when we left in case I wanted to practice while I was here, and I decided tonight would be a great night to play for her.

When we passed the turn off for her aunt’s property, she looked at me confused. “Um, Drake we missed the turn off.”

I gave her a sly smile. “I know.”

“Ok… Then where are we going?”

I ignored her question and she fell back into her seat grumbling. “Fine, be that way.”

She was silent as I passed over the Ocean Gateway and made my way through the traffic to the same parking lot Danny had left his car in earlier. As I parked the car and killed the engine, she turned to me with a questioning look.

I smiled as I opened my Copyright 2016 - 2024