Twisted Metal Heart - Eve Langlais Page 0,75

captain to a loyal crew.”

“I’ll admit the situation could be better. But no matter what, I won’t let Darius hurt her.”

“As if he would dare. Riella would rip off his man parts if he ever tried.”

Still he couldn’t help a hot hint of jealousy. “You don’t really think he kidnapped her to rekindle shit, do you?”

Alfred couldn’t shrug. He said, “Possible. Before he slimed me, he did call me a meddling robot.”

“You are.”

“I know.” The assertion sounded smug.

“I don’t give a fuck if they used to date. He took her, and we’re going to snag her back.”

“That is surprisingly gallant.”

“She’s carrying my child.”

“Is that the only reason you’re willing to indulge in this suicide mission?”

He scowled at Alfred. “Are you seriously cajoling me into saying whether or not I love her? I’d say it was obvious.”

“Which means, as predicted, you’ll do something stupid.” Alfred uttered a sigh.

“Probably.” He flexed his hand. Ready?

Let’s paint our knuckles red.

He strode past the warehouses lining the wharf, doing his best to ignore the many people roaming. Not easy given he saw more in that short span than used to live in Haven. Down here, he finally saw signs of soldiers. Men patrolling with long guns tucked down their spines and swords at their hips.

He strode with purpose, as if he knew where he was going, to the boat at the end of the dock, expecting at any moment someone would call him out. Surely they noticed he was an outsider. He didn’t belong here.

Not a single person said anything as he put his foot to a gangplank and jogged across, while hoping that turret gun wasn’t on autopilot. He arrived on the ship’s deck without any new holes and stepped carefully, feeling the grip and give of the rubbery floor. No one popped up to ask him what he was doing. Which seemed odd.

“Where is everyone?” he muttered.

Alfred didn’t deign to reply.

Moving more slowly and cautiously, he eased toward the slitted window set at eye level in the virtually impenetrable box. He wasn’t stupid enough to peek in. He preferred to not have his orbs jabbed into jelly. Instead, he listened.

“Shit, Ree, that feels so good,” A man groaned. “It’s been so long.”

“Is that really the only reason why you kidnapped me? So I could make you happy?”

“Would it help if I said I also enjoy your company?”

Riella laughed.

For another man.

Titan saw red. Somehow his fist ended up through the metal door, wrenching it open far enough he could step inside and snap, “Get away from her.”


Riella blinked as Titan barged in, seething mad. Jealous as everything. Totally acting as if he owned her. As if she needed saving.

Amused—and determined to enjoy the show—she feigned shock. “Titan! What are you doing?”

His lip curled back. “Surprised to see me?”

“Actually, I can’t believe how long it took you to get here.”

“Someone took off with my wheels, and I had to run. It’s looking like I shouldn’t have bothered.”

His anger simmered, and she basked in its heat. She’d never had anyone jealous about her before.

“I didn’t leave you behind on purpose. Someone”—she cast a glare at Darius—“drugged me.”

“Given the bounty on your pretty head, I thought it best if I absconded first and dealt with questions later.” Darius hadn’t stopped his enjoyment of the scratching fingers of his robot masseuse. She’d made the machine for him a while ago to help him relax. He didn’t look relaxed as he aimed his gun at Titan.

“You kidnapped Riella,” Titan snarled.


“I’m here to rescue her.”

Darius stared at Titan then her. “Does he seriously think you need rescuing?”

She nodded. “I think it’s cute so don’t discourage it.”

“Cute?” Darius snorted. “He’s obviously blind.”

Titan drew closer, intentionally putting himself between her and Darius. She’d felt bad leaving him behind, but by the time she woke from the sleeping dart, she was halfway to the city and Darius had promised to send a ride back for him. Judging by Titan’s seething expression, Darius had lied.

“Don’t let Darius goad you,” she admonished. She reached for Titan and stroked her hand over the back of his thigh. “Sit down beside me.”

His tone turned sullen. “I don’t want to sit. I just ran all the way from that cave to fucking save you whether you needed it or not. Now that I’m here, I’m more annoyed than ever and need to hit something.”

“Does he always cry when things don’t go his way?” Darius insulted. “Perhaps I did you a favor when I kidnapped you.”

“Fuck you.” Titan sat Copyright 2016 - 2024