Twisted Metal Heart - Eve Langlais Page 0,74

least back up his claims. When they were attacked, he didn’t let her get kidnapped.”

An obvious jibe. Titan grumbled, “Whose side are you on?”


Which wasn’t the answer he wanted, but if Alfred wasn’t going to have his back, then that was the next best thing.

The video moved, and he managed to hold on to his guts as it rushed up and over to perch at the top of some kind of lookout post. He’d noticed a few of the ships had them, tall totems set into the deck with extending bars strung with rope.

From Alfred’s view, he also saw canvas strapped to the metal poles. Could this be sails like the ancient boats used in the olden days? But why bother if you had an engine?

Not a question for today. Titan muttered, “I want to see the deck.”

The sudden tilt almost had him lurching. He steadied and took in the details of the slick metal hull that rose to form a rail. A rubberized deck with bumps for grip he assumed. The turrets were bolted into the decking, left and right and at the nose. Another turret perched atop the house-like structure in the middle of the boat. It had doors on the side that appeared sealed shut and, in the front, a long slit, currently open and tempting for a peek.

“Alfred,” he whispered.


He startled as the bird hologram landed by him.

He pushed up the goggles. “What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be spying.”

“I was. But then realized I should check in before you did something colossally stupid like barge onto the boat.”

“I thought you wanted me to rescue Riella.”

“First, never ever tell Riella you’re rescuing her. She hates feeling like she’s useless or not as good as anyone else.”

He blinked. “You just summed up how I feel every time I fail her.”

“When did you fail her?” Alfred asked and, for once, sounded genuinely curious.

“When her mother took her for one.”

Alfred made a noise. “That was her own complacency that got her caught. Nothing anyone could have done to stop it.”

“Darius took her.”

“He’s a pirate. He’s a pro at stealing things, even people. I’m sure she’ll escape when she’d assuaged her curiosity about his reasons.”

“Implying she doesn’t need me,” Titan blurted out.

“To save her, no. She doesn’t need a hero. She needs a partner.”

“Let me guess, like you?” Titan groused.

“I’m a robot. Who is smarter than you, obviously, but I do lack something she needs.”

“There’s an attachment I’m sure you could possess for that.”

Alfred shivered in agitation. “Now you’re being crass. I am her friend. Companion. I cannot be her lover. Nor do I want to. She needs a human. Like you.”

“Why, Alfred, are you saying you approve of me dating your pseudo daughter? Should I call you Father?” He couldn’t help but grin.

The bird appeared quite indignant. “That wasn’t what I was implying at all.”

“Whatever you say, Dad.” He baited Alfred, wondering what would happen. He didn’t see smoke.


“I am not your parent,” Alfred huffed. “And I am beginning to wonder if perhaps Riella is better off resuming things with Darius.”

“What’s that supposed to be mean? I thought you said she made him an eye.”

“Among other things,” Alfred said slyly.

He fought the jealousy that simmered. The more he ignored it, the more it heated him. For some reason, he just had to torture himself. “They were together, as in a couple.”

“If by that you mean she copulated with the pirate on numerous occasions, then yes.”

The news hit him in the gut. “So what if they used to hook up. They obviously aren’t together anymore.”

“Because at the time, Darius showed no interest in settling down and she wasn’t interested in sailing the seas.”

“You saying she’s changed?”


The idea of losing her to another man wasn’t something he would contemplate. “Since it’s been a few years, I’m going to go on a limb and say he didn’t kidnap her to make her his promised.” The name they’d given to people who’d chosen to enter into an exclusive arrangement.

“The correct term is wench for female pairings and wanker for a man.”

“Wanker? Isn’t that… Never mind. Riella wouldn’t have agreed to being kidnapped and leaving us behind.”

“Maybe not at first. But the man does have a strange charm after a fashion.”

“Really not helping, Alfred.” Titan seethed.

“Just letting you know the facts before you walk in. Because you weren’t thinking. If you were, you’d have realized that you’re not only going after a renowned pirate but attacking him on his boat where he’s Copyright 2016 - 2024