Twisted Metal Heart - Eve Langlais Page 0,19


“And what of…Oh.” He looked down. “I didn’t even think of it.”


“Can I walk do you think?” His organic leg moved. The other didn’t.

“You’re thinking again.”

He grumbled. “First time in my life anyone’s accused me of doing that.”

“Not exactly something you should admit.” She stepped away from him. “Walk.”

“What if I fall and bust something in the leg?”

“Don’t fall.”

“Any other words of advice oh mighty annoying one?” he grumbled, looking sexy and tousled, his jaw unshaven. She’d not shaven it while he was under and rather enjoyed the scruffy appearance of it.

“Tell you what, if you can walk to me, I’ll let you have another kiss,” was her bold reply.

“What makes you think I want one?”

Her lips twitched as she leaned her ass against the desk. “Would you instead walk for chocolate? I brought a piece.” She held it up and waved it.

“Bribing me with sweets?” His nose wrinkled.

“What can you be bribed with, Titan?” She hopped onto the desk and crossed her legs then proceeded to pop a piece of chocolate into her mouth, chewed, and closed her eyes in enjoyment. She didn’t have it too often. The price of it was dear. Not to mention the greatest things in life should always be savored, a lesson she’d learned too late.

Thump, clump. Thump, clump.

She took her time before opening her eyes to see him almost in front of her, grim determination in his gaze. She held up a piece of chocolate. He snatched it and popped it into his mouth.

He groaned. Sexiest thing she’d ever heard.

“Fuck me, I forgot how good that tastes.”

“More?” she asked, holding up another piece.

He grabbed it more slowly, but rather than put it into his mouth, he pressed it against her lips. She took the small bite. Before she could chew, he’d closed the distance between them. His hands went to her waist, the fingers on the bionic one digging in a bit hard, but she didn’t flinch. He’d managed to do it.

Because he wanted something.

She tilted her head, feeling the chocolate melting in her mouth, saw his face nearing. Closed her eyes just as he kissed her.

Thoroughly kissed her, stealing some of her chocolate, but she didn’t complain. The feel and touch and taste of him was more than enough to compensate.

But a kiss wasn’t enough. His bio hand roamed, slipping under her loose shirt to stroke her back, making her shiver. She clutched his shirt tight and wrapped her legs around him, drawing him close enough that he pressed firmly against her.

She held his shoulders while she embraced his mouth. Felt the strength of him and then shivered in pleasure as his tongue slipped out to play.

Now was the time to stop the kiss before it went too far. Instead, she found herself grabbing the hem of his shirt and pulling it off, revealing his chest with his ridges of muscle. She pushed at him while keeping her legs locked so he didn’t go too far. She dragged her nails down the smooth flesh, from his defined pectorals to the waistband of his pants.

She stopped touching him and grabbed her own shirt. “My turn,” she said with a brazen wink. She removed it, and there was something gratifying about the fact he sucked in a breath at the sight of her.

Under his scorching gaze, her nipples puckered.

“May I?” he asked huskily.

“You’d better,” she said, leaning back on the desk.

Slowly, he leaned in and brushed his jaw across the erect nubs. It sent a frisson through her, and she sighed. “Again.”

“Demanding.” Not really a complaint since he once more strafed his jaw over tender flesh, making her arch.

He took the hint. The hot flick of his tongue brought a half gasp. When he circled around the tips, he forced a moan from her. She twisted her fingers through his hair and held on as he took her engorged nipple into his mouth.

“Yes,” she hissed as he sucked.

He chuckled, vibrating flesh. Then he bit her. She yelped, but not an unhappy yelp. She’d felt that firm bite right between her legs.

He got a little rougher with her, and she loved it as he sucked and traced her breasts. She squeezed her legs tighter and tighter around him.

He ground his lower half against her, but their pants were in the way. That didn’t stop them from rubbing, or the tension from building in her, or her panting as his wet mouth sucked and pulled.

When he stopped, she whimpered. But she couldn’t argue with the fact Copyright 2016 - 2024