Twisted Metal Heart - Eve Langlais Page 0,18

can repeat the motion.”

He stared at her, intensely unhappy. “I can’t.”

“You have to try.”

“I am still trying to lift the fucking arm,” he snapped.

“Don’t speak to her like that.” Alfred took offense.

“We just installed them. Give it time.”

“How much time? I thought these things would bond with me no matter what. Right now, they’re just dead weight.”

“Give it time.”

They did give it time. But three days later, his movement was still limited. Titan was frustrated and depressed, Alfred was haranguing her to leave, and Riella wanted to try something drastic.

Alfred, of course, didn’t approve. Although he took great pleasure in thrusting a needle into Titan. A good thing the drugs acted quickly because the man took offense and uttered a bellow that fizzled as he slumped.

While he slept, Riella worked quickly setting up an IV, a tube in her arm leading to his.

“A blood transfusion won’t automatically make him Deviant,” Alfred remarked.

“It won’t hurt either. I’m just trying to jumpstart the bionics.”

Because, without any kind of bond, Titan was right; they were fairly useless.

“The man obviously has some kind of genetic blockage. Strip the limbs, melt them down, and we’ll reuse them with our next client.”

She threw a sharp look at Alfred. “Would you stop it already. I am not giving up. Not yet.”

When Titan woke two days later—because she kept him under as long as she dared—he roared, “Alfred! I am going to fucking twist your little head off and use it as a kick ball.”

“That seems rather drastic,” Riella said, entering his room on the tail end of the threat.

“He drugged me.”

She shrugged. “In order to work on you.”

“More failed experiments?” he said with a sneer.

“Actually, we finally managed a rudimentary connection to the bionics.”

“No, you haven’t, or I’d be giving you the finger right now.”

“We need to teach your brain next,” she replied. “Alfred?” She retreated from the bedside as Alfred approached, pulling out small balls from a sack he’d brought in with him.

Alfred threw. Titan caught it with his right hand. Alfred threw again. And again. Once the organic arm was occupied, he threw fast, too fast for Titan to catch, meaning he hit Titan again and again.

Titan growled and tried to duck, doing his best to use his one arm to catch and bat. Until finally he roared, “Enough!” and the bionic one swung.

She and Alfred moved out of the way before it connected.

She waited.

Titan took a moment before he slowly said, “I just moved it.”

“You did.”

“How?” He stared at it. “Why won’t it move again?”

“Because you’re thinking about it. Stop it. Ignore it. Just act natural.”

“Act natural she says.” Titan rolled his eyes. “You say that like it’s easy.”

“I figured it out. I am sure you can, too.”

“Did you have as much trouble getting your arm to obey?”


“Meaning I’m difficult. Doesn’t that just figure.” He slid to the floor and stood, an impressive male with a fine physique and few clothes who towered over her. “So, is this the best I can expect, occasional movement when I least expect it?”

“With that kind of attitude, I doubt you’ll even have that.”

“Told you we shouldn’t have wasted those limbs on him,” Alfred grumbled. “We could have used them on a real paying client.”

“Because you sell body parts.” Titan shook his head. “That’s all kinds of weird, and I’m surprised the Enclave allows it.”

“Please. Some of them are our best clients,” she said

“Now that he’s got the limbs, I’m going to prepare for our departure.” Alfred turned and wheeled for the door.

“You’re leaving?” Titan queried.

“I have to.” They’d spotted an Enclave patrol not far from the area. A good thing the citadel was once more hidden underground. But given it was the first patrol in…ever…she deemed it a sign she’d overstayed her welcome.

“Where are you going?” he asked.

“Somewhere new.” She’d yet to decide.

“But what about all this?” He swept a hand at the machines.

“Things can be replaced and rebuilt.”

“Do you always go where Alfred tells you? What hold does he have on you?”

She laughed at his assumption. “Alfred only tells me what I already know. Where he goes, I go. Where I go, he goes. We’re bound.”

“You mean he’s your promised?”

It took her a moment to grasp his meaning, “We’re not sexually involved.”

“Oh.” Followed by nothing.

“Are you sexually involved with anyone?” The words left her mouth, and she immediately wanted to retract them.

“No.” His lips twitched. “Should have probably clarified that before we kissed.”

He would remind her of the kiss.

She pointed something obvious out to him. “You’re Copyright 2016 - 2024