Twisted Hearts (The Camorra Chronicles #5) - Cora Reilly Page 0,97

Like I said, you need to bring him to his knees.”

“Do you think that’s possible?”

“Oh yes,” she said, exchanging a look with Kiara. “Every man can be brought to his knees.”

They’d have to know. They were married to Nino and Remo.

“So, you’re sure you don’t want to ask us anything?” Kiara asked softly.

“One thing…among Traditionalists the bloody sheets tradition is still upheld but since your family isn’t very conservative, I was wondering if there’s something like that.”

“No!” Both of them said at once.

Serafina touched my shoulder. “You decide if you want to sleep with Savio, only you. There won’t be any bloody sheets or anything else putting pressure on you and please promise me that you won’t let him push you into anything you don’t want to do.”

I smiled at their concern. “I won’t.”

Savio had made me wait a long time before he’d made up his mind, first about our engagement, then about our wedding. He could wait for what he wanted a while.

I loved Gemma in tight clothes that showed off her breathtaking curves, but I’d been expecting her to opt for a modest wedding dress. After all, the spectacle took place in church and her family was in attendance. So, seeing her in her high-collared, long-sleeved dress with the veil covering all of her face didn’t come as a surprise, what did, was that she knocked the breath straight out of me. A hush fell over the crowd.

An apparition of white.

Diego led her toward me. The closer they came, the more of Gemma’s face became visible through the fine material of her veil. They stopped beside me, and Diego pulled back her veil. The tender look that passed between them made me forgive Diego for the veiled threats of the last few weeks. This was his little sister. I’d never had a sister to protect, but I had Greta.

I held out my hand, surprisingly steady, and he handed Gemma over to me with a curt nod. His jaw was locked tightly as he turned and headed to the first row where our families sat.

Gemma’s hand was shaking against mine, beckoning to my protective side. I slid my thumb over her soft skin and was rewarded with a small smile. Leaning down, I whispered. “You look like a princess, Gem.”

The smile got a bit wider, then the priest started his sermon and Gemma’s expression became focused. I zoned out. This spectacle was for Gem, nothing else. I still didn’t believe in any of this hocus pocus.

I caught Remo’s eyes who stood next to me with his arms crossed and a mildly pissed expression. Nino wore a look of mild exasperation. For him, it was completely unreasonable to believe in God. Good thing that he hadn’t involved Gemma’s conservative family into a discussion about the existence of a higher power. Knowing my brothers and my devilish little nephew, it would be a miracle if this wedding ended without a scandal and half of the Bazzolis never talking a word to us again. Only Adamo managed an expression that suggested he actually listened to a word the priest said, though he was probably daydreaming about the next street race in two weeks.

Gemma’s “I do” cut through my thoughts and I quickly returned my focus to the front. The look she sent me made it clear that she knew I hadn’t paid attention.

“I do,” I said firmly, and then ice-cold realization hit me. Right this second, I was a married man. From the corner of my eye, I caught Fabiano and Remo exchange surprised looks. Had they thought I’d say no? I wouldn’t put it past them to have placed bets on the outcome of this day. If that was the case, I wished they’d told me so I could have placed my own wager.

Greta tiptoed toward us in her pale pink flower girl dress, led by Nevio in his tux. Without him, she would have never walked down the aisle with so many people watching. I gave Nevio a warning look. If the little monster did anything to mess up this day, I’d kick his devious ass. In spite of himself, Nevio didn’t as much as make a face. He looked focused on Greta. Those two were like yin and yang. He and Greta stopped in front of us. Greta held up the ring cushion, giving me a tiny smile. She didn’t once look at the priest, Gemma or anyone else.

Gemma leaned down and whispered something that made my niece smile Copyright 2016 - 2024