Twisted Hearts (The Camorra Chronicles #5) - Cora Reilly Page 0,96

that. I fumbled with the necklace. Nonna’s family heirloom.

A knock sounded, tearing me from this dangerous path of mourning.

“Gemma?” Kiara’s voice rang out. I cringed at the conversation that was about to happen.

Guests had started trickling in and began filling the pews. To see the day that a Falcone would marry in church…

I’d gathered with my brothers in the back, greeting everyone. Kiara and Serafina were busy instructing Greta and Nevio once more. Gemma’s mother hurried toward Kiara and Serafina and said something to them while throwing a quick glance in my direction. They nodded, then Mrs. Bazzoli walked away.

“What is it?” I asked.

Kiara blushed.

Serafina smiled coyly. “Mrs. Bazzoli asked us to have a talk with Gemma before you marry.” She paused for emphasis. “A girl’s talk.”

I shook my head. “Gemma doesn’t need a talk. I’ll show her everything she needs to know.”

Serafina huffed. “Of course, she needs a pep talk. Unlike you, she hasn’t slept with half of Vegas.”

I grinned. “I know. She’s all mine.”

Serafina exchanged a look with Kiara. “Why don’t you return to your groom duties and we’ll handle the girl stuff?”

“As I see it, giving her a good night is my groom duty.”

Fabiano exchanged a look with my brothers as he sauntered toward us with Aurora on his arms.

“I think you need to lower your expectations,” Serafina said.

“Don’t ruin tonight for me.”

Kiara rolled her eyes.

“I’m sure you’ll manage to do that on your own,” Serafina said with a laugh.

“Don’t ruin his night, for fuck’s sake. His fucking blue balls moodiness of the last few months is intolerable. I’ll turn fucking homicidal if he doesn’t get laid soon,” Remo snarled.

“You’re homicidal on the best of days, Remo, let’s be honest here,” Fabiano said, rocking Aurora whose face was red from her last screaming fit. It made her blonde hair and blue eyes stand out even more.

Kiara and Serafina slipped away before I could stop them.

“Damn,” I muttered.

“Maybe you should listen to Fina’s advice and lower your expectations. Maybe Gemma won’t sleep with you tonight, and even if she does, it probably won’t be the fireworks you expect,” Fabiano said.

“Speak for yourself,” I said. “Only because you didn’t give Leona any fireworks in your first night, doesn’t mean I’ll fail too.”

Fabiano rolled his eyes.

Remo smiled twistedly, his eyes following his wife.

“Any tips?” I said.

“Whiskey goes well with the taste of blood.”

I cocked an eyebrow. “Thanks.”

Fabiano shook his head, covered Aurora’s ear with his palm. “Aurora will be banned from visiting your mansion once she’s older.”

Diego came over with impressive bags under his eyes. We shook hands and he probably would have uttered another warning if a murmur hadn’t passed the present guests.

I followed their gazes toward the entrance of the church and let out a low whistle.

“That girl is going to get someone killed one day,” I said.

Luca Vitiello towered in the doorway with his stunning wife and even more stunning daughter. His son was already taller than his three years older sister.

“How old is she?” Diego asked.

“Twelve,” Fabiano said in warning. “And you better look at something else when they come over, or Luca’s going to cut you down.”

“Luca won’t cut down anyone in my territory,” Remo said with a dangerous smile.

“If someone checked out Greta in that age, would you hesitate to cut them down if you were in Luca’s territory?” Fabiano asked.

I scoffed. Remo would rip the fucker’s throat out with a smile.

Kiara, followed by Serafina, entered the room, and I wanted to disappear in the ground. Kiara appeared even more flustered than I felt. They both took me in.

“God, you are so beautiful, Gemma,” Kiara said, pressing a palm to her mouth.

Serafina nodded slowly. They both were absolutely stunning. Kiara in a long red dress that contrasted beautifully with her pale skin and dark hair, and Serafina like a regal angel with her straight blonde hair and a dark blue dress. “You will bring Savio to his knees.”

I wasn’t sure how my marriage with Savio would be.

“Your mom asked us to talk to you,” Serafina said, coming closer.

“I really don’t need a talk,” I said quickly. “I already talked to… someone.” I couldn’t really say that I’d talked to Toni because it wasn’t public knowledge that she’d slept with Diego.

“Well, I wouldn’t rely on Savio’s ample knowledge alone, if I were you,” Serafina said.

“Did you ever meet any of the girls?”

Kiara touched my arm. “No. Savio never cared about any girl enough.”

Serafina leaned in. “From this day on, you’re the only girl that matters. Copyright 2016 - 2024