Twisted Hearts (The Camorra Chronicles #5) - Cora Reilly Page 0,73

front of you.”

“Then go ahead and change. Once you’re in the last shower stall I can’t see you if I stay in the front.”

“Don’t you dare take a peek. I mean it, Savio.”

“Go in, Kitty. I won’t take a peek, don’t worry.”

I entered the changing room. My stomach was buzzing with a billion butterflies from the feel of it. What was I doing? Every night I lay awake, touching myself in the dark as I imagined Savio’s touch.

Savio closed the door, waiting outside. “Hurry up. I need a cold shower.”

I quickly got out of my gym clothes, keeping an eye on the door, then grabbed a towel and clean clothes. The moment I was in the shower, I called for Savio to come in. My voice was croaky.

I turned the water on but regretted it when I couldn’t hear Savio anymore. What if he didn’t keep his promise and came to the last stall. I was proud of my body. I knew he’d be pleased, so it wasn’t that, but I was scared like Savio had said. Not of him doing something I didn’t want. Savio wasn’t the type to force a woman. I’d never heard those kinds of rumors about him. He was too vain for that. He wanted the girl to yearn for his touch, not fear it.

And I yearned for it, despite my traditional upbringing, despite Nonna’s and Mom’s and Dad’s and Diego’s warning words.

I washed my hair quicker than ever before then turned off the water. Savio was still showering from the sound of it. I dried off and got dressed. I was pulling my sneakers on when the water in the stall at the other end stopped. Savio reached outside and gripped the towel.

I could have left the room without tying my laces. I could have turned around. I could have…

Savio stepped out of the shower stall, the towel slung loosely around his waist, only held up by the hand holding it against his body.

I let go of my laces and straightened.

Savio stood still, allowing me my appraisal. The towel hung much lower than his boxing shorts and half of the horns and the top of the bull’s head teased me. My mouth ran dry, but at the same time heat pooled between my legs. I needed to get away, needed to turn around, but I was immobile.

Savio took a step closer and I stiffened, scared of his effect on me, of my body’s reaction, of my lack of restraint.

Savio stopped, searching my face. I wasn’t sure what he saw, but he shook his head with a harsh exhale. “Kitty, you only need to say the word and I’ll give you what you want.”

I wanted him, only not in the way he thought. Not only in that way. I wanted him to be mine first, only mine. Savio had been doing this with too many girls. For him, it was nothing special. Even the ring on my finger didn’t change that.

He lightly tugged at his towel, one corner of his mouth lifting upward. “How about I give you a little decision help? You have been eying my tattoo in secret for a long time. What do you think?”

I stared, unable to form a coherent word. I shook my head no, because I needed to get a grip as long as I still could but it was too late. Savio had already released the towel. It fell to his feet.

I couldn’t breathe. My eyes took in the tattoo of the bull’s head, magnificent and imposing, right above his… Oh help.

Savio chuckled. The dose of reality I needed. Anger replaced my surprise and desire. Not bothering to grab my gym bag, I stormed out of the changing room.

“Kitty, come on! It’s not going to bite!”

His obvious amusement only fueled my fury at him. He thought I was his toy, another one of his girls. Bastard. I didn’t stop running until I was outside. My hair was wet, so I shivered as the cold February air hit me, but I didn’t care. I needed to get away from Savio, his arrogance and most of all, his body—which was sin turned to flesh.

I’d left my phone and everything else in the gym, so I couldn’t even call Toni—calling Diego was absolutely out of the question.

It was starting to turn dark, and despite my fighting skills, I wasn’t comfortable walking in this area by myself. Home was too far away. That left me with only one choice: going to the Copyright 2016 - 2024