Twisted Hearts (The Camorra Chronicles #5) - Cora Reilly Page 0,72

moment and he got up to get it.

I stood and pulled Gemma toward me. Her eyes widened as they darted to the kitchen door. I used our moment of privacy to wrap my arms around Gemma. “Savio,” she hissed. “Nonna could be back any moment.”

Nonna was still clanging in the kitchen. “Come on, Gem. Won’t you give me a little something for the pain I suffered through your grandma’s hand?”

“You can handle pain.”

“That’s true,” I said quietly, bringing us closer. She glanced at my lips then quickly looked away. “So can you, but you’re scared of pleasure.”

Her expression hardened and she pulled away. “I’m going to get you a piece of tiramisu.”

It seemed I had hit the nail on the head. Kitty was scared of pleasure, which meant she wanted me like I wanted her. She only needed a little nudge in the right direction.

Savio had amplified his charm since his return to Las Vegas two weeks ago. He’d come over several times to spend time with my family and me, and I knew it was because he thought he could impress me that way, and it was working.

Especially when Savio talked to Carlotta, I couldn’t stop my heart from swelling.

He knew it.

Today was the first time we’d be allowed to fight together in years. I could barely contain my excitement, but at the same time, I had to admit I was nervous. Of course, Diego would be there as a chaperone, but still.

When I faced Savio in the cage and saw the teasing twinkle in his eyes, I knew he had something planned. I kept my eyes firmly above his waist, trying to ignore the horns.

Diego pretended to be pummeling the boxing bag when, in truth, he kept an eye on me and Savio.

For good reason, it turned out, because Savio used the fight to bring us as close as possible, as often as possible.

None of the touches were inappropriate and yet they felt like they were. When I landed on my back after another futile high kick, Savio crouched over me, my arms pressed into the ground above my head. His other hand clamped down on my hip and for some reason I could feel the touch between my legs.

We stared at each other, breathing harshly.

“I think this was enough training for one day,” Diego muttered.

Savio straightened with obvious reluctance and pulled me with him. I quickly took a step back. Diego’s phone rang again. He cursed and picked up, nodding grimly. “I’ll be there in five minutes.”

He hung up. “Fuck.”

“What’s the matter?” I asked as I climbed out of the cage.

“The stupid stove again. That thing is only giving us trouble. We should have bought a new one a long time ago. I need to get over there immediately.”

“I need to shower and stretch,” I said.

“I can take Gemma home,” Savio offered at once.

Diego glanced between him and me, obviously suspicious of my fiancé’s motives, and probably for good reason. “All right. But I probably won’t be long. I might be able to pick you up.”

I nodded. “Help Dad. I can handle this.”

Savio cocked an eyebrow.

With a last warning glance at Savio, Diego left. I sank down to the ground and stretched out my legs, then touched my feet with my fingertips, feeling the slight tug of my hamstrings.

Savio lowered himself beside me. “I didn’t think Diego would agree. He’s been slacking with his guard duties recently.”

“You’re my fiancé. That’s why. It’s only a matter of time before we’re married and I’m no longer his responsibility.”

Savio nodded, but as usual, didn’t comment when it came to our wedding. He touched his feet as well. As a kickboxer, you needed to be flexible, and Savio was. That was why he could do the most amazing high kicks.

My eyes kept checking Savio out as we went through the stretching routine, and I caught him doing the same with my body. I was flushed when we were finally done.

Grabbing a towel, I headed for the locker room but stopped when Savio followed close by. “I need to shower and get dressed.”

He grinned. “I know. So do I. There’s enough room for both of us, don’t you think?”

I stared. “I won’t change in front of you, much less shower.”

“Scared?” Savio murmured, leaning down. The challenge in his eyes was a trap, and yet I stepped into it.

“Of course not.” Savio pushed the door open and motioned for me to step in.

I shook my head. “I’m not going to be naked in Copyright 2016 - 2024