Truth and Justice - Fern Michaels Page 0,68

me, but she hasn’t relocated, so I think I lucked out.”

“How do you know it’s Sara Windsor?” Annie asked.

“Because she looks like the picture Avery handed out to the team. It was easy to spot her once the wig came off, the extra padding in her cheeks, stuff like that. She’s pretty good at disguises if I do say so myself. The person who thought he was married to her helped quite a bit with insight as to what he thought made her tick.”

“When you say she’s pretty good at her disguises, what does that mean? How good is good?” Alexis sniffed. “Better than me?”

“No one is as good as you, dear,” Myra said soothingly. “I’m sure Sara has nothing else to do with her time, so she works on her disguises. It’s probably her life’s work. She doesn’t appear to have recently held a job. At least we haven’t any indication she ever worked a day in her life. She’s a con artist, so maybe that’s considered a job in her world. What else do you have, Mr. Spenser?”

“Duke and I have been on her for a while. Actually, it seems like forever. At first, I wasn’t sure it was her, but I stuck with it. Either she’s sick, or she gets her jollies going to doctors. She went to five or six different doctors every day for a week. Sometimes she had two appointments on the same day, and yes I have the names of the doctors and the addresses.”

“What does that mean?” Maggie asked.

Spenser shrugged. “I have no clue. No doctor or nurse was going to tell us anything, so we didn’t even bother to ask. She did go to a fertility clinic twice if that means anything. She’s on her phone a lot. Seems like more than most people.”

As one, the Sisters pounced on Spenser and peppered him with questions. “Where? What’s its name? Did you go in to check it out?” Those were among the dozens of questions they threw at him.

Yoko handed over a second cup of black coffee. Spenser drained it, smacked his lips, smiled, and kept talking.

Chapter 15

“ I’m kind of hungry, ladies. Do you have anything to eat here? I hate complaining, but I haven’t had anything to eat other than a protein bar since yesterday. Duke and I were afraid to let the woman out of our sight for fear we’d lose her. Cheese? Crackers? I’ll settle for anything, and a beer would go really good right now. Icy cold. Look, Duke’s on it, so my stopping long enough to eat isn’t going to change anything. It would be nice if you could pack up some food for me to take to Duke when I leave here, too.”

“Of course we can give you food, you dear, sweet man, and for your partner also,” Myra said. “We’re not usually this inhospitable, but we’ve been slowly going crazy here trying to sort this all out for Bella. Then you show up with actual results, so we’re a little wired right now. I apologize on behalf of all of us. When Avery said you had answers to all our questions, we ran with it. Again, I apologize for all of us. One ham, turkey, and cheese with lettuce and mayo coming up. Pickles and chips on the side.”

“And one icy-cold beer,” Kathryn said as she pulled a Corona off the door of the refrigerator and took off the cap before she handed it to Spenser.

“Can you make two sandwiches for Duke? He’s a big eater.”

“Absolutely,” Myra said, as she layered bread and cold cuts, while Yoko spread the mayo and layered the lettuce. Isabelle wrapped the two extra sandwiches in tinfoil and slipped them into a paper sack. At the last second, Nikki tossed in two Red Delicious apples.

Spenser propped his legs on a spare chair, his eyes dreamy as he wolfed down his sandwich and swigged his beer. It was as if he were on vacation.

The minute Spenser’s jaws stopped moving, Annie said, “Can we get to it now?”

“Did you go inside the clinic?” Alexis asked.

“Did you at least try to bribe the help to find out what was going on with Sara at the clinic?” In your face and ever blunt, she said, “You know the rules, Mr. Spenser. Money talks and bullshit walks. Well?”

Spenser laughed out loud. “Ladies, this is not my first rodeo, nor is it Duke’s. Just ask Mr. Snowden here. We can hold our own, but to Copyright 2016 - 2024