Truth and Justice - Fern Michaels Page 0,67


“We know now that Sara followed him around to his different bases, set up housekeeping, met men, married some, lived with others, and managed to clean out all of their bank accounts so she could have a lifestyle that enabled her to chase after the major, hoping eventually he would realize that he loved her. That’s sick!” Kathryn said.

“Where does that leave young Bella?” Myra asked. “This is beyond sad and unreal. What is that young woman supposed to do?”

Alexis screwed her facial features into a tight grimace of disgust. “Wouldn’t you think the sister would share some of Andy’s money with his widow? At least some of it. She’s got millions. Bella can’t even pay for the upkeep of Andy’s beloved truck. This is so unfair. And yet there is nothing illegal we can pin on the sister. Before any of you can suggest it, I’m all for finding her, stealing all the money, giving it to Bella, and having Avery disappear her forever.”

The Sisters hooted and hollered their agreement just as a horn sounded and Myra’s gate opened. All eyes turned to the camera over the back door just as a cherry-red Jaguar roared through the open gates.

Snowden was off his chair and out the door before the Sisters knew what was going on. “This is Matt Spenser, my number one investigator. This better be good, kid, or your ass is grass.”

“Mr. Snowden, sir! I have the meat!” the investigator said, making a joke from a commercial he was overly fond of.

Matt Spenser’s feet left the floor, and before he could blink, the Sisters had him planted firmly in one of the captain’s chairs at Myra’s table. The women surrounded him as they pummeled him with questions, one after the other.

“I think he needs some air; you’re all suffocating him. And I think he might like a drink. We have all night, ladies, so calm down.” Avery shouted to be heard over the din of clamoring women.

“Maybe you do, Avery, but we don’t,” Annie said, as she jerked at Matt’s arm. “Talk, Mr. Investigator, and talk fast. Someone make him a cup of coffee.”

Matt Spenser was what Kathryn called a hunk. In other words, ripped. He was forty-three, dressed in jeans and a worn, comfortable T-shirt that said: SEAL TEAM 6.

“Ladies, ladies, you’re killing me here! Don’t get me wrong, I love the attention, but I really need something to drink. Like now would be good, or my tongue is going to fall out of my mouth.” He grinned, showing a set of pearly whites that would make any dentist shout for joy.

Yoko poured a cup of coffee, handed it to him, and watched as he drank it in two huge gulps.

“Fan out, girls, give him air, and he’ll talk,” Avery said.

Spenser took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I followed every silly, stupid lead we came up with, and let me tell you, we had hundreds. We started with the last husband, Steven Conover. While everyone referred to him as her husband, including himself, there are no records on file anywhere for a marriage, much less a divorce decree. Conover said Sara kept all the certificates, and he has no idea what happened to the divorce papers. He said he wasn’t interested in looking at them. The only thing he knew for sure was that she stole all his money. After we got this information from him, it was a struggle every step of the way.

“But Duke Young, that’s my partner, and I persevered. We were finally able to track the chick down, and let me tell you, she is one busy lady. She was not at all easy to find, I can assure you. She has so many aliases, I doubt she can keep them straight herself. We just lucked out because we refused to give up. She goes nonstop twenty-four/seven. I have her current address and her current cell phone number. They could be good for days or hours. This chick is a fast mover, as I said. She’s kept Duke and me on our toes, that’s for sure.

“I don’t want any of you to get excited. One day she moved twice, and each move required a new identity. Right now she is in Kalorama in a very nice, very expensive house. She lives there under the name Nora Lewis. She moved there weeks after collecting Major Nolan’s benefits. I’ve been trailing her for two days. I can’t be certain she didn’t spot Copyright 2016 - 2024