Tripping (Iced #2) - Kristine Allen Page 0,74

him, it made me damn near go cross-eyed with desire.

Obeying without hesitation, I placed my palms on the mattress and bent to present my ass to him. He dropped to his knees and gripped my ass cheeks as he let out a low moan.

“So fucking beautiful,” he said before he ran his tongue from my clit all the way to the pucker of a spot I shouldn’t like him touching.

“Cameron,” I sighed out as he circled that forbidden spot, then moved back down to thrust his tongue deep into my wet core.

He wasn’t gentle, he was ravenous. He licked, bit, and sucked on everything he could reach until I was ready to scream. When he pushed his thumb in me as he circled my clit with the tip of a calloused finger, I detonated. It was the catalyst I needed to explode. A guttural scream shot from me as I came all over his face. He groaned in satisfaction and lapped up everything I gave him.

My legs were shaking as he pressed lingering kisses to each cheek and to my still-pulsing pussy. In a post-orgasmic daze, I dropped my head. Behind me, I could hear him standing.

Hands gliding along my skin, he touched me reverently. Little kisses followed by a swirl of his tongue rained along my spine up to my shoulder. He brushed my hair to the side and bit the tender area where my neck and shoulder met. Not hard enough to break the skin, but enough that he’d leave his mark for sure.

I mewled as my channel clenched, needing him to fill it.

“I’m going to fuck you, my sweet Bleu. So hard you’ll feel me with every step you take for days,” he rasped into my ear, sending tingles through me.

My ass jutted out to make contact with his hard shaft. “Yessss,” I hissed as he slid the silky heat of his length through the lingering release coating me. I wiggled my ass, trying to adjust myself to get him inside.

The sting of his hand on my ass made my back arch as I gasped. He soothed the sting with his palm as he bit my earlobe. “Patience” was all he said. I whimpered in need.

One hand left my body, and I wanted to cry out at the loss of his touch. Yet, the crackle of the wrapper told me it wouldn’t be long. Then the specific movements of the head of his cock against first my clit, then swirled through my wet opening, told me he was guiding it. A shallow dip inside had me eagerly anticipating him filling me. A sigh of satisfaction escaped as he did it again, only to be followed by its removal.

I whined, and he chuckled.

Relentlessly teasing, he coated himself in the remainder of my cum, then circled my clit, dipped in an inch or so, then back to circle my ass. That last motion caused me to clench my ass cheeks, which had him chuckling again. His breath on my shoulder sent shivers down my spine. “One day soon, I will fuck you there, but not tonight. Mark my words, Bleu, I will own this body. Every. Fucking. Inch. Of. It. Do you hear me?”

Unable to form words, I could only nod.

“Good” was his sultry reply before he thrust hard into my pussy. I gasped, then sighed contentedly.

“So good.” He withdrew and plunged deeper. “So tight.” Again he pulled almost completely out. With his last thrust, he was fully seated, and I was reveling in the feel of his thick cock buried deep inside, stretching me in all the most perfect ways. “So fucking hot,” he grunted as he shuddered over my back.

He rose up and pressed between my shoulder blades until my chest was flat to the bed. The motion arched my back and tipped my hips at a delicious angle. His next stroke hit every-freaking-thing. Gripping my hips in a bruising hold, he moved with slow and controlled precision until he wasn’t.

Faster, his hips snapped until the sounds of our panting breaths mingled with the slap of flesh to echo through the room. Pressure grew, centered around my core. Again, he kickstarted my release by circling my clit with a finger until I exploded around him. Through my mind-blowing climax, I heard him mutter something, but I couldn’t think.

As my orgasm crashed around me, it was all I could focus on. The ecstasy that pulled through my body sucked everything else into the vortex of bliss.

“Breathe, baby,” he Copyright 2016 - 2024