Tripping (Iced #2) - Kristine Allen Page 0,73

in a rushed exhale.

“I’m still worried that we’re from such different worlds, but I can’t deny the electrifying chemistry when we’re together. A relationship was the last thing I was looking for—especially one with a professional hockey player. I mean, the good Lord must really have a twisted sense of humor.” I chuckled at the thought of the one man I couldn’t resist being in a profession I’d been set on despising. Oh, the irony.

“You fell into my life and turned everything I thought I wanted and needed upside down,” he said as he gave me a wry half-grin.

I took a deep but shaky breath, then exhaled heavily. “And you made me love hockey again.”

He licked his lower lip, then raked his teeth across it. Slowly, as if he was approaching a frightened animal, which might be accurate, he moved closer to me. When our chests were nearly touching, he picked up one of my curls. After wrapping it around his finger, he tugged until our lips were nearly touching.

“Is that all you love?” he whispered.

“No,” I whispered back.

“What else do you love,” he asked as he feathered his lips over mine and gripped my hip. My stomach fluttered, and my thighs pressed together at that simple touch.

“Maybe I might love a hockey player,” I breathed. Though I knew he was making an innuendo to sex, I needed to tell him what was banging around in my chest. It was time to lay my cards on the table.

My reply caused him to suck in a sharp breath and pull back to search my eyes. Then a soft smile lifted the corners of his mouth.

“What if a hockey player loved you back?” He nuzzled by my ear and along my neck. All thoughts of us simply talking went out the window, because though he had hardly touched me, I craved him.

“Then he might want to show me how much,” I said as I reached up to drape my arms around his neck.

I expected him to kiss me, smile, laugh, or something. What I wasn’t prepared for was for him to swoop me up and toss me over his shoulder. Through laughter, I let out a squeal of surprise.

“Cameron! Put me down!” I insisted as I wiggled.

He swatted my ass, causing me to lift my torso in surprise. “Did you just spank me?”

“Hell, yes, I did, and if you don’t sit still, I’m gonna do it again,” he said as he circled the stinging area with the palm of his hand. Then he gripped my thigh at the base of my ass with his fingers between my legs. It put him so close to where I really wanted him that I found myself wishing he would slide his hand up just a hair.

With his caveman attitude, I was waiting for him to toss me in the middle of the bed. Instead, he surprised me again by lowering me slowly along the length of his body. It was impossible not to feel how aroused he was.

“Oh!” I murmured as he gripped my hips and pulled us together, grinding against me.

“Are we good?” he asked as he stared into my eyes. Even in the dim light of his bedroom, his eyes shone an electric, icy blue. His hair that had been slightly mussed before was now hopelessly messy.

It was endearing, and I wanted to touch it. As I ran my fingers through the haphazard spikes, I cradled his jaw with my other hand and ran my thumb along his lower lip. “We’re good. But we need to promise that if we ever argue again, we can’t go running to someone else.”

“How about if we argue again, you don’t dump me? Because I already told you that there is no one for me but you. I never thought I’d find, or even want, a woman in my life again. Until you. So you don’t need to worry about me seeking solace with any other chick.” I made note to ask him about the “again” he’d let slip, but then wasn’t the time.

“Deal,” I agreed before I reached up to capture his lips in a heated kiss. That kiss led to our clothes falling by the wayside. When we were both naked and panting, he smirked.

“Bend over the bed,” he demanded. A shiver shot through me. For a man who was so sweet any other time, he was sure and dominant when we were in the bedroom. It wasn’t something I thought I’d like, but with Copyright 2016 - 2024