Tripping (Iced #2) - Kristine Allen Page 0,31

might be.

“Then what is this gonna cost me?” My suspicion was only growing.

His smile spread wide across his face. “I turn fifteen next week. I’ll be getting my permit.”

Unease settled in my guts. Surely this kid wasn’t that bold.


“I want you to let me drive this car,” he triumphantly announced. As I slowed to a stop at the light, my head dropped slightly.

“This is a really powerful car, kid,” I tried to argue, but he only laughed.

“You think I don’t know that? I know almost everything there is to know about this car.” He then began to spout off more details about my car than I knew existed. Bleu wasn’t kidding when she’d said this was his dream car.

“It’s a manual transmission,” I lamely tried to argue.

“I grew up on a ranch. I’ve been driving manual transmissions since I could see over the steering wheel and reach the pedals,” he glibly volleyed back at me. “And I was tall for my age.”

In my head I weighed the options, then the pros and cons of agreeing to his demands. Finally I decided it was only a car. It had great safety ratings, and I’d make sure the kid was buckled at all times. No matter how much I loved it, the thing was fully insured and could be replaced. Bleu was a one-of-a-kind girl.

“Fine. But I have stipulations.”

“Name them.”

“We stay off the main roads.”


“You don’t get it above forty-five,” I added.

“Oh, come on,” he groaned. “The speed limit pulling out of the ranch is fifty-five.”

“Okay, but we enter the first neighborhood on the left and then come back,” I countered.

“Can I drive around the neighborhood or do I have to turn around and come right back,” he asked as his chin rose.

“You can drive around as long as you’re careful. If I think for one minute you are not safe, we stop, I drive, and it’s done.”

“Is there a time limit on how long I can drive around the neighborhood?” The kid was a master negotiator. He might someday rival my agent. It was impossible not to chuckle at his brazenness.

“No limit, but back before dark.”

“Deal.” His smile nearly split his face in two.

“Okay, spill. What’s the perfect date for your sister?”

“A musical.” He shrugged like it was that simple.

“A musical? Do they even have that kind of shi—uh, I mean stuff around here? We’re a long way from Broadway, you know.”

“I’m almost fifteen, not five. And I grew up on a ranch, remember? I’ve heard people cuss.” The kid chortled.

“That didn’t answer my question, shithead,” I replied with a smile.

“The University of Texas Performing Arts Center. She loves that place. Pretty much anything to do with music and she’s putty in your hands,” he said as he nodded in assurance. He appeared to reconsider his words. “Well, not like that. Don’t you be tryin’ to take advantage of my sister. Not only can I drive a manual transmission, I’ve been shooting since I was three.”

“Hmm, okay.” Though I knew he was probably mostly bluster, it did make me wonder. It also made me want to smile that Bleu had a protector in her young brother. For some reason, I liked that.

“Ohhh, man, wait ’til the boys hear about this. My cool points totally just skyrocketed to legend status.” He wickedly grinned and, no shit, rubbed his hands together like a mad scientist. It was impossible not to laugh.

“Well, if this works out, I’ll owe you big time,” I said with a grin as we pulled into a gas station to turn around. It might cost me a ding in my insanely expensive car, but if it meant Bleu would be over the moon, I’d do it.

Suddenly serious, Jett stared at me. “You really like my sister, don’t you?” he asked.

“Yeah, I really do,” I replied, casting him a quick glance to catch him slowly nodding.


He’d caught me off guard. It was something I hadn’t really stop to consider; I simply did. Pondering my response a moment, I tapped absently on the gear shift with my fingertips.

“I’m not sure I have a good answer for that,” I started. In my peripheral vision I caught him cocking a brow. “It’s not something I’ve tried to put into words, so cut me a break.”

We both chuckled, then I chewed on my bottom lip.

“I could tell you she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, but that’s superficial. Bleu is unique. She’s kind-hearted, incredibly stubborn, humble, honest, and she’s got quiet class. Seeing her Copyright 2016 - 2024