Tripping (Iced #2) - Kristine Allen Page 0,30

incredulously spouted, “Is this the guy with the Porsche?”

Her hand shot up to cover her face. I held my smile as I let the fact that she’d obviously talked to her brother about me settle in my head.

“Yeah. Jett, right?” I asked. He nodded as he tried to see around me. His eyes went comically wide when he saw my gleaming beast parked in the horseshoe drive.

“Can we go for a ride? Just a short one,” he asked, nearly breathless but trying to maintain his cool.

My eyes locked with Bleu’s worried hazel ones. It was evident that she thought I’d turn him down and crush his dreams. More than hoping to gain brownie points, I wanted to make Bleu happy. If that meant making her brother happy, then I was all in.

“If it’s okay with your sister,” I said.

His bright blue eyes flashed to her in expectation. I could tell she was torn between letting him go with me and making me leave. She didn’t want to break her brother’s heart any more than she wanted me to, yet she didn’t want to give me a reason to be there.

Finally, she sighed. “Okay, but it’s late, so no more than thirty minutes,” she offered.

“Yes!” Jett was already pulling on his boots as I chuckled quietly. Bleu pursed her lips and gave me a narrowed-eyed stare.

“Are you gonna look in the bag?” I asked.

She pulled the two jerseys out and gasped. “Cameron, these are expensive!”

I waved away her concern. “I wanted you and your brother to be wearing my jersey if I can get you to go to another game. Or for you to wear when you watch my games from home.” When I grinned, she rolled her eyes and turned away from the door.

“You better be careful with my brother!” she tossed over her shoulder. She looked back at me and a half smile lifted her perfect lips. “And thank you for the gifts.”

She turned back around to go to her couch. She hadn’t said she would wear it or go to a game, but she hadn’t said she wouldn’t.

“I’ll bring him back in a half hour. Don’t worry, it will be in one piece.” She didn’t look at me, but I heard her mutter “You better.”

When I went back down the stairs, Jett was waiting eagerly by the car door but trying to seem chill and like this wasn’t the biggest thrill of his life to that moment.

“You got mud on those boots?” I asked as I raised my chin and canted my head.

“No sir,” he quickly replied. “These are my good boots.”

I grinned to let him know I was messing with him. “Then get your ass in the car. We only have thirty minutes.”

He whooped and carefully climbed in the car, as if it was glass. I chuckled as I settled behind the wheel.

“Buckle up,” I said before the car roared to life.

“Oh wow. It sounds so much better in person than on YouTube videos!” He grinned and I knew I mirrored his expression. It really was a badass car.

Carefully, I drove over the gravel drive until we were at the blacktop road. “Ready?”

“Heck yeah!”

Praying we didn’t run into law enforcement, I gunned the car to the teenager’s laughter, and we shot down the road. I didn’t keep up that speed for long, though, because it was dark and I knew there were deer out. I’d seen tons of them the first night I’d brought Bleu home.

We hadn’t gotten far from Bleu’s house when he shocked me with his next comments.

“Dude. Ice skating? Do you not know my sister at all?” the kid asked as he scanned around the interior of my car.

“Hey, it worked for my buddy,” I argued. Jett laughed.

“Was your buddy dating Bleu?” He finally looked my way with an exaggeratedly patient gaze.

“Well, of course not,” I scoffed.

“Exactly. My sister is clumsy. God love her, but the woman has two left feet half of the time. She’s not exactly the best candidate for moving around on the ice balanced on two thin blades.” His expression said I was severely lacking in common sense.

“Okay, smart guy. You know your sister better than me. Where should I take her?”

“It’s gonna cost you,” he said with a wicked grin.

“How much?” I asked suspiciously while shooting him a quick side-eyed glance to keep my eyes on the road.

“Chill. I don’t want money. I’m not an extortionist,” he said, but the way he stared at me told me he just Copyright 2016 - 2024