Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6) - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,44

piece of furniture I could find.

After which I found myself once more drowning in my own pain. A darkness that consumed me as panic gripped my heart in its vice like grip. But this time it wasn’t the deadly grip of the Devil with his hand inside my chest.

No, now it was Amelia’s and she was pulling me under.

Under into a heartbreaking…


Chapter 10

Royal Vows and Delegation

“The helicopter is on its way.” Dom informed me the second I made it back inside his office.

“I need a word alone,” I said after taking the time needed to compose myself enough to form actual words, a skill I would be needing for the next part of my plan to be put into place. Because there was no denying what that phone call had done to me. Meaning that Keira took one look at me and then at Dom before deciding that it was best not to argue or be stubborn. Something she and her daughter clearly had in common. That and the habit of running from emotional difficulties, being something Keira had certainly done her fair share of in the past.

“I will go and make some calls, see if she has reached out to Ella or not,” she said referring to Amelia’s cousin, who I knew she was close to. I waited for her to leave, before coming right out and telling him,

“I need you to take the lead on hunting the rogues and finding the witch whilst I am looking for her.”

“You didn’t find her?” he asked in a strained voice that spoke of his disappointment and worry.

“No, I found her, but given the way in which I did it also caused her to run again.” He raised a brow in question before surmising for himself,

“The Void.”

“I will not apologize, Dom,” I stated before he could say anything else but then he surprised me by releasing a sigh and deflating back into his chair,

“I would not expect you to, Luc.” After this, it was my turn to grant him the questioning look.

“You know, when I first met Keira, I would find it near impossible to stay away from her. And just so I could do as I pleased, I would make her believe my appearance in the night was nothing more than a dream. I was no better than a fucking stalker,” he admitted making me scoff,

“You’re not telling me anything I didn’t already know, my friend.” After this he looked at me head on and shocked me when he came right out and said what he had been leading up to,

“I know you own her building, Luc, and I know you filled it with enough security to go unnoticed and you situated your own people to live there using your witch to hide the fact from Amelia. I also know about you hiring Dante to watch her, which I gather is more recent considering you most likely had your own people do this years before.”

“I will not apologize for that either,” I said in a firm tone, not even taking a second before answering.

“And once again, I don’t expect you to, but what I want to know is how long?”

“How long what, Dom?” I snapped not having the patience for this fucking conversation right now.

“How long have you been stalking my daughter?” he asked nodding to me and emphasising his own words, whilst giving me a knowing look. After all, he had admitted to being there once before. Either way, I told him frankly,

“What does it matter, the fact remains that it happened and I…”

“…And you were keeping her at arm’s length for the very same reasons I did the same with Keira. It had fuck all to do with me or Keira deceiving me and asking you to.” This was quite a deduction but then again, it came as little surprise considering he had been through this all once before.

“I also take it that you were the reason she went to Germany and you were also the reason she left and came back a broken version of her former self.” At this I released a frustrated sigh that said it all.

“I don’t see how this is fucking relevant now!” I snapped seeing little point in having this conversation now, of all times.

“And I don’t give a fuck if you do or not, I deserve an answer, Luc!” He threw back at me and I decided that instead of telling him to go fuck himself like I wanted to, I knew Copyright 2016 - 2024