Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6) - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,43

hands to my chest and was now pushing me backwards with every word she threw at me. Which was when I officially lost my shit with her!

Now came the real truth behind my threat, one I would make good on if it was the last thing I ever fucking did in this world! Because convincing her was something her mother had failed at. But then, I was about to discover that I would be no better at this, for I also had my anger set out against me. Which meant that instead of trying to lure her in and convince her of the truth, I was left with nothing but letting bitterness coat my threat,

“Now you listen to me, my girl and you listen well, you and I will never be done, we will never be over, which means I will NEVER stop looking for you. I will fucking hunt you down to the ends of the Earth and beyond…so unless you want a hard time running then I suggest you keep your ass there and be ready for me because… I. Am. Coming. For. You!” Once I’d finished this dark and possessive promise, I found myself barely able to drag in enough air to keep breathing!

I was almost panting like a rabid beast and barely keeping a lid on the one that already consumed me. The one that wanted to break free and roar so loud down the fucking phone at her that it would shake the foundations of Afterlife.

But after last time and needing to be brought back from that Hellish part of me, by non other than Dom, then I knew the importance right now in trying to keep my demon under my control. Not the other way around. Of course, the flaw in this plan was Amelia and her utter refusal to listen to reason. Now, on some level I was trying to put myself in her mind set, for I knew she was hurt and truly believed that what she had seen to be the truth. Mistaken roots grown from insecurities I myself had planted there seven years ago. But to know that in that one moment it eradicated everything I had tried to achieve these last few weeks was beyond my comprehension!

That my words meant nothing to her. That she obviously believed it all to have been an act, one played so well and all for what, so I could protect her just because her mother wished it?! It barely seemed plausible as far as reasons could go. But then, what else was her mind to conjure up, for the reasons she believed I would kiss her mother?


All I could hope for was that my threat was enough to ring true and she would give up this hope of running from me. I mean what chance did she really think she had. This was me we were talking about…did she not know me? I was a fucking hunter! I had been an assassin longer than I had ever been a King! Hunting people was what I had been given new life to do first…Hunt those who would not kneel.

And now it seemed as if history was repeating itself as I found myself hunting rogues. But before that, it was time to hunt something far more precious to me and when I finally captured her, Gods I wasn’t going to make her kneel…

I was going to tie her to my fucking bed and this time, I wouldn’t use silk, I would use fucking chains!

Then I wouldn’t release her again until I had convinced her of the truth and until she agreed to marry me! To tie herself to me in every way possible!

In fact, I was just about to open my mouth after this thought had calmed me somewhat and try and reason with her some more, when she said something to me that cut me not just deep but to the fucking core…

“Then to the ends of the Earth is where it will be…”

“Amelia.” I hissed her name in warning for her not to continue but it was one she ignored and did so anyway. Now giving me what she foolishly believed was her version of a goodbye, one that I would never allow to fucking happen!

“Goodbye Luc. Have a nice eternity with…with someone else’s Chosen One,” she said before I heard the clatter of the phone and I was left roaring her name in anger before hammering a fist down on the nearest Copyright 2016 - 2024