Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,57

don’t want to lose you.”

He kissed me lightly on the cheek as I pulled away and got out. “You won’t lose me Chloe. I’ll see you tomorrow ok?”

I smiled as I got in my car and drove home, feeling lighter than I had all day.

Chapter Fourteen

The Greatest Mistake

The next couple months seemed to pass in a blur as I fell into a frenzied routine of work and school. The classes were getting harder the closer we got to midterms, and I spent most of my free time working on assignments or studying. Anytime I wasn’t doing any of the above, I spent my time with Logan, Amber, Rachel, and Drake.

After the night out at the lake, Drake and I had fallen back in our easy friendship, often seeing who could annoy the other one the most. The whole gang would always make it to Drake’s performances every Friday night at Gold’s and it quickly became our favorite hangout spot. Jade and the guys fit right in with us instantly, and would join our table after their performances more often than not.

Amber and Alex broke up a couple weeks after their first date, and I noticed her watching Adam closely on more than one occasion. This worried me, seeing as he was a bigger player than Drake if that was possible. She didn’t need another broken heart. The groupies continued to flock to our table and I tried not to let it bother me, but it did, especially on the nights I had to watch Drake leave with one or even sometimes two of them.

Logan and I spent most of our evenings in his bed studying or cuddling and I was happy with how things were progressing between us. We still hadn’t had sex again and I started to feel guilty, but I pushed the thoughts aside. When I felt comfortable, we would. Preferably when I was sober. The only thing that was bothering me about him was his overly affectionate tendencies when Drake was around. When we were with him, I could barely keep his hands off of me. Drake didn’t say anything about it, but I would catch him watching us with an angry or annoyed look on his face.

Drake and I had made plans to study together the evening before a huge test that counted for a quarter of our grade. Logan hadn’t seemed happy with the idea, but he grudgingly agreed after I told him, yet again, that he had nothing to worry about. He even seemed relaxed about it after he had made a big show of kissing me breathless at lunch in front of Drake before leaving.

I sighed as I pulled in front of Drake’s house, thinking about the spectacle he had made. I pushed the thought back as I knocked on Drake’s door and let myself in.

“Hello? Anybody home?” I yelled. There was no response, but I heard Hellyeah blaring from the stereo in his bedroom. I walked quietly to his door and knocked, afraid of what I’d see when I opened it. No response came, so I pushed the door open slightly, peering through the crack. I felt a rush of relief as I saw Drake on his bed alone. I pushed the door open and walked in.

He was lying on the bed in just his boxers with his eyes closed and I took a moment to just stare at his body. The muscles in his arms and stomach were hard and defined; he was pure male perfection and I felt myself become aroused at just the sight of him. Pulling myself out my lust filled trance, I walked over to him and poked him in the stomach. His body jerked as his eyes flew open and he came up swinging. I quickly backed away, barely missing a fist to the face. He caught sight of me and stopped.

“Jesus Christ woman, don’t fucking sneak up on me,” he yelled as he sat up and turned the music down to a low hum.

“Sorry, I knocked and yelled.”

He rose from the bed and moved past me to the living room, still in his boxers. “It’s a good way to get yourself knocked out. Don’t do it again.”

I glared at him, “Don’t give me attitude; you knew I was coming over tonight. It’s not my fault you had the music loud enough to drown out a train if it came barreling through your house.”

He sat down on the couch, “Whatever, let’s get this over with.”

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