Thunder Moon Ascending (Lupine Hollow Academy #3) - Quinn Arthurs Page 0,6

I’m in range.” My words were a snarl now as I looked into each of their faces.

“You know that’s not what we wanted,” Zev muttered, his green eyes wide as he steadied his twin, and I snorted.

“I don’t care what you wanted. All I care about is that girl in there. I care that she’s stood up to every single test you’ve put her through since she arrived. She won a goddess blessed duel. Twice now, she saved a pup’s life, and yet you still treat her as though she has no chance of saving her own. She hasn’t slept in days because she’s plagued by nightmares of what she was forced to do, of her own death, of her mother’s death. She can barely stand up on her own right now, and only her damn stubbornness is keeping her knees locked. Yet you’re all so focused on whatever future danger is coming that none of you are noticing that you’re making her more of a target for that threat.”

“That’s not fair—” Alarick began, but I cut him off with a sharp slash of my hand.

“How is she going to face off against someone when she’s so sleep deprived she’s hallucinating? When she’s so malnourished she’s losing weight she doesn’t have to lose? When her punches are too weak to cause damage because she doesn’t have the muscle mass she needs?” I was drilling my finger into Alarick’s chest now, unaware I had even stepped forward to challenge the large male.

I took a deep breath before stepping backwards and dropping my hands. “You’re all idiots. Each one of you owes her an apology and, honestly, I think she’d be a fool for taking it without some serious begging. I’m going to go back in there and help her clean up so she can actually feel like a person for the first time in days. I’m going to let her finish crying out the pain you never let her get over from killing someone for the first time, in front of their own daughter no less—a burden she knows far too well. I’m going to encourage her to get some sleep so she doesn’t look like a zombie and so her eyes aren’t bruised holes in her skull. Then I’m going to take her over to the study and get her something to eat. If she wants you to be there, I’ll text you. Otherwise, you better stay out of our way. If any of you use her key, I’ll make what I just did you to you look like a bubble bath,” I warned, meaning every word.

Fillian caught my arm before I could turn. “You know we just want her to be safe.”

“Then look at all of the threats to her, including yourselves,” I retorted, not bending an inch. “Alarick, if you want to be an alpha, then you have learn to see the whole picture.”

Alarick’s stare was icy as I turned my attention to Zev.

“Zev, you’re beta male. You’re responsible for catching what others miss. Yet this passed you by. You can’t miss things.”

Zev flinched, turning his face away from my accusation.

Chann didn’t bother hiding his face when I turned my allegations to him. “Chann, you’re the new omega. You may not feel emotions the way I do, but it doesn’t mean you’re not responsible for protecting them. How did you protect her here? Or did you just focus on protecting yourself?” I turned my attention back to the male before me. “Fillian, you of all people should have seen her. I get that these guys didn’t, but you?” I shook my head. “I’m ashamed of you most of all.”

Fillian inclined his head before stepping backwards. “As am I.” His reply was a whisper. “I’ll gather food for her. I know she’ll want cereal, but she’ll need protein as well. I’ll get it all set up so it’s kept warm.”

I didn’t bother to acknowledge him before I headed back inside the room, shutting and locking the door behind me.

Chapter Three


I blew out a breath, making sure my expression was serene before I stepped into the bathroom. I had purposely kept my voice low, hoping Pixie wouldn’t catch much of our conversation through the insulated walls. She needed to rest, not worry.

“Hey,” I cooed as I entered, finding her in the bath with her eyes closed as she rested. “How’re you feeling?”

“A little better,” she answered, her eyes cracking open as a small smile touched her lips. “I was going Copyright 2016 - 2024