Thunder Moon Ascending (Lupine Hollow Academy #3) - Quinn Arthurs Page 0,5

I mean, I barely know how to with the guys. With you, it’s different, and I don’t want to do anything wrong.” Her eyes sought mine, pleading with me. “I couldn’t handle hurting you, Shan. It would break something in me. It doesn’t mean I want you any less.”

My heart squeezed in my chest, wanting to break through my ribs and present itself to the angel in front of me. I leaned down and pressed my lips lightly to hers. “You couldn’t do anything wrong between us. Just be yourself. Take things at your own pace, and I’ll follow,” I told her. I kissed her again, my lips working against hers. She pulled back slightly, and I hesitated when she chewed on her lip.

“I haven’t brushed my teeth,” she mumbled, and I laughed lightly.

“I’m sure you still taste sweet,” I teased her softly. A knock on the door had my wolf snarling. “Think you can stand, angel?” I questioned, ignoring whoever was at the door for the moment. At her nod, I smiled. “Why don’t you brush your teeth and wash anything you don’t want me to while I deal with that. I’ll be back in a couple minutes to at least help you with your hair. We can take everything else from there.” I swiped my thumb across her bottom lip. “There’s no pressure, Pixie. I hope you know that.” My eyes searched hers, but I only saw heat mixed with the exhaustion that was her ever present companion lately.

“I know,” she breathed shakily. I stood and slipped from the bathroom, leaving her to her business before heading to the door. I tugged open the door and faced off with all four of Pixie’s men who were waiting for her. Stepping outside, I shut the door tightly behind me to help block some of the noise from reaching her ears. I crossed my arms over my chest, lifting a brow as I took them in. They’d all taken the time to hurriedly shower and change before heading over for what was clearly an attempt at a lecture, if Alarick’s and Fillian’s body language were anything to go off of. I resisted the urge to snort—that was so not going to happen.

“Can I help you?” I asked frostily.

“Pixie wasn’t done with her training lessons. She had time to clean up and eat, but she seems to be dawdling. I gave her the courtesy of knocking rather than using my key. She needs to meet us downstairs for a weapons session. You should change as well,” Alarick told me, eyeing the soaked shirt I wore in confusion.

“She will not,” I stated steadily, meeting his eyes without flinching. Alarick froze as Chann gasped.

“Excuse me?” Fillian’s voice held as much ice as my own.

“She. Will. Not.” I repeated each word slowly, turning my eyes to meet Fillian’s dark ones. He slowly arched a brow, taking me in with a considering look.

“Careful, Shannon,” Alarick rumbled. “Just because you have been appointed omega doesn’t mean you can defy me.”

My lip peeled back in a snarl and, before they knew what I was doing, I pulled my walls down and lashed out with my powers. Channeling Pixie, I pulled every ounce of what she was feeling and slammed it into them with everything I had. I didn’t bother turning it up, I let them feel it exactly as it was—crippling exhaustion mixed with physical pain and gnawing hunger—but that didn’t touch the emotional agony my poor girl had been experiencing. She was suffering from severe neglect and was falling into a deep depression. She blamed herself for everything that was happening and felt guilty, angry, lonely, overburdened, afraid, and abandoned, and worst of all, self-loathing.

All four men staggered as I hit them again and again, never letting up. “Stop,” Chann gasped out, nearly falling to the ground under the weight of it.

“I will when you do,” I countered. “This is what she’s feeling,” I hissed at them, pulling back slightly so they could stay on their feet. “This isn’t embellished. This is me channeling her for you. You’re torturing her, do you understand that? Helping her prepare physically isn’t going to do any good if you don’t prepare her emotionally. I tried to tell you that. I told you she needed a break, that you were going at it too hard. You wouldn’t listen. But you’re going to listen to me now, or so help me goddess, I will slam her feelings into you every time Copyright 2016 - 2024