Thunder Moon Ascending (Lupine Hollow Academy #3) - Quinn Arthurs Page 0,57

powers have been passed. Alpha Due has sworn to this, and the wolves of Starlight Woods have felt it as well. They simply want to ignore that what they can smell and feel is true, because they believe killing my father will allow them to take over the pack, even though he is no longer alpha.”

Eirian paused again, breathing deeply. “Say that again,” she demanded, the silver of her eyes glowing brighter.

Alarick smiled. “I am Alpha of Lupine Hollow. My father transferred his powers to me before Gwyar was able to issue his challenge.”

Eirian could only stare at him, her eyes moving between Raff and Alarick, then her gaze snapped to Gwyar and the other members of Starlight Woods. “Here before a mediator, sworn before the conclave, I ask every member of Starlight Woods under oath, were Raff Temples and Alarick Temples left alone together after you issued your challenge?”

Slowly and sullenly, each one admitted, “No.”

Eirian shifted closer to Alarick. “Alarick Temples, you have displayed your power once before them. I ask that you do so again before myself and my own pack.” She turned to address the wolves of her pack who had gathered to watch what was transpiring. “Wolves of Ocean Mist, I once again ask you to bear witness. You know I will be able to taste your lies. If Alarick tells the truth, and he has truly accepted the power of the prior Alphas of Lupine Hollow, you will not be able to mistake it. Alarick, I ask you not to hurt my packmates.”

Chann made a garbled noise, and I knew he was thinking about the hotel. I winced at the reminder. Yeah, that definitely hadn’t hurt—it had felt more like he had licked my clit, and if I was right, the male sensation wasn’t that far off. My wolf growled, not liking the idea that his powers would touch anyone outside of our circle that way, and Shannon reached out to stroke a hand down my back in comfort. Even Luna patted my cheek with sticky fingers that made me wince.

Alarick inclined his head in a regal nod, breathing deeply as he released his hold on his powers. Gasps of shock rolled from the wolves around us, though he held us out of whatever it was he was doing. My wolf continued to pace inside me until he pulled it back into himself, the glow in his eyes dimming until they returned to his usual blue. A small growl stuck in my throat, and he shot me a smug smile. I bit my tongue, averting my eyes—apparently, he liked when I was jealous.

“It wasn’t the same thing,” Ian whispered, leaning closer. “Think of it more like floating them in a pool of hot water. He showed he had power, but no pain or pleasure was involved, just the possibility that he could if he wanted to.” I huffed, but a little of the stiffness left my shoulders. He chuckled. “I knew my kitten had claws.”

Alpha Eirian’s eyes were solid silver now as she addressed her pack. “Ocean Mist, as is your oath, you must answer me true. Did you feel the magic of a strong alpha line?”

“Yes, Alpha,” her pack responded in unison.

“Lies!” Gwyar interrupted, barging forward.

Alpha Due pounced, grabbing him by the throat. “Gwyar, I’m moments away from challenging you myself.” His voice was silky, despite the dangerous grip he had on the other male. “You come on to my territory and call my mate and my pack liars, and expect me to accept it with no recourse? You are too far above yourself.” He let the male sputter before flinging him aside.

“You may believe it to be lies, Gwyar,” Eirian addressed him, the light dimming from her eyes, “but the proof is right in front of you.”

“Tricks. It’s all tricks,” he gasped out. He glared at me first and then Luna. “I still demand the return of my pup, Beta.”

I growled, stepping forward. “She was never your pup. She will never be your pup. You play games and twist stories in your head because you can’t think of anything but power and hate. You lost. Your plot didn’t work.”

His lip peeled back, and his eyes tracked to Alarick. “If you’re the alpha, as you claim to be, then it’s my right to challenge you to take control of Lupine Hollow.” He pushed to his feet with a smug smirk on his face. He crossed his arms over his chest, glancing at Raff as Copyright 2016 - 2024