Thunder Moon Ascending (Lupine Hollow Academy #3) - Quinn Arthurs Page 0,56

at me, his smile wicked. “You have no idea, young beta.”

“You bring an injured friend to my home and tell me I’m not allowed to care for him, Alpha?” Even without fully understanding pack politics, I was sure by his wince that her stressing his title in that moment was not a good thing.

“My dear…” He held out a hand for her, and she grudgingly accepted. “I am sure if a seat could be brought out, it would be appreciated by his pack. However” —his lips thinned— “there are some issues that need to be addressed, and Starlight Woods has forced my hand as they have brought those issues to our territory, included a member of my pack, have issued a challenge on my pack lands that requires a mediator, and have made accusations regarding said challenge that also require a mediator.”

Eirian snarled. “A chair for Raff,” she called out. Her eyes caught on Luna and softened. “Some cakes and lemonade as well,” she added, a small smile on her lips. Luna giggled, ducking her head under Shannon’s chin. “Pup, would you like to go play with the pups of our pack?”

“Thank you, Alpha Eirian,” I spoke up, carefully balancing Raff. “I know you mean well and your pack would look out for our pup like she was yours, but at such a tense time, I’m sure you can understand why we would prefer she remain in our arms.”

Eirian nodded. “Unfortunately, I do. Are you comfortable holding her?” she asked Shannon. “Would you like a chair as well?”

“I’m fine, Alpha Eirian, thank you for your concern.” Shannon inclined her head. Pack members of Ocean Mist were quick to arrive with a chair for Raff and a table that held treats for the pup. Every time Gwyar or one of the members of Starlight Woods attempted to speak, Alpha Eirian cut them off with a snarl, intent on seeing to our comfort before all else. Only when she was sure we were as settled as we could be in the middle of the front walkway did she turn, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Now, Due, tell me what’s going on,” she ordered her mate.

“Alpha Eirian,” Gwyar began, attempting to schmooze, but he was cut off by a vicious snarl.

“I spoke to my mate, not you. You came to my territory. You did not formally request mediation. You have not been offered a chance to speak, and I have no issue meting out the punishment you are earning. You will be silent on my territory!” she barked.

“Okay, can I be her when I grow up?” I whispered to Ian. The corner of his lip turned up in a smirk, the only indication he’d heard me.

“The summarized version, I think, my dear. I have already listened to many of the details and they are not currently up for verification. Gwyar attempted to challenge Alpha Raff while he was on our property and incapacitated by vervain.”

Eirian snorted. “Pathetic, but not illegal.”

“Unless we can prove he’s the one who gave it to him,” I muttered. Her eyes shot to me, and she cocked her head.

“True,” she agreed, acknowledging me with a slow nod. “However, I would assume he had someone else feed him the poison, removing his responsibility.”

I gasped. “That’s bullshit!”

Her face was grim. “Take it to the conclave.” She turned her attention back to her husband. “He wishes to forfeit?”

“No, he claims he is not alpha,” Due explained.

Eirian blinked several times, opened her mouth, then blinked again. “Hold on a moment.” She closed her eyes for a minute, and when she opened them, they were glowing silver. “He had already transferred his alpha powers to Alarick?”

“No!” Gwyar interjected. “They’re lying! There was no one but Raff in the room. They didn’t arrive until well after we did, long after the challenge had been issued. The two never touched. He was Alpha of Lupine Hollow at the conference, so he was alpha in that hotel room. I challenged him as alpha for ownership of his pack. He must fight to the death immediately before any more healing is done, they have already breached our bylaws, so if anything, he has already forfeited!”

Eirian’s lip curled, disgust carving lines into her face as she shook her head. “You give our species a bad name. You and all like you.” Her attention turned back to Alarick. “You claim your father has passed his alpha powers to you?”

“I do. I also demonstrated by both scent and magic that said Copyright 2016 - 2024