Thunder Moon Ascending (Lupine Hollow Academy #3) - Quinn Arthurs Page 0,34


“I know,” she murmured, stroking my cheek. “It’s like with the others. I care about all of you. I do. You’re all everything to me. I just… I need time for more.”

“Time we have,” I assured her, kissing her again.

The door burst open and Chann tumbled inside as I pulled away. “Did you really jump through a window and take out my dad?” he panted, his eyes wide as he took in our embrace. “And how the hell did that lead to kissing? Because I’m so in. Besides, I think this means I won.” I groaned as Pixie giggled.

“Come on, we’ve got to get ready to go,” I reminded them. “We’ve got another bad guy to beat down tonight.”

Chapter Twelve


The park at the edge of the winery was quiet when I pulled in, and I took a moment to adjust my sweats and tank top. I’d dressed carefully, making sure that the school logos weren’t visible for the night vision camera Ian would be manning. He had left before us, intending to find a higher vantage point from which to view the area. He likely wouldn’t be able to record sound, but he would provide secondary footage to add a visual if things went too far. After much consideration, it’d been decided that he would be the best one to handle the camera, since he’d be less likely to go off than the others if something happened, though they were all standing by in wolf form in case of an emergency. He had also smugly pointed out that he needed to be human to heal, and if he began in human form, he wouldn’t need to waste time shifting. Personally, I believed that final piece won him the right to film this confrontation.

I knew Lyle had chosen this location thinking it was remote, but it had worked against him rather than for him, allowing my wolves to surround the area in advance. A small voice recorder was already placed on me to track any conversation, and my phone was prominently visible in my pocket without one in case he asked for it, expecting me to utilize an app. Shannon was near enough to the parking area that her powers would be able to encourage his emotions should the need arise, though she still believed it wouldn’t be necessary, certain her plan would work on its own merits and Lyle’s temper. Zev, Chann, and Alarick were spread through the nearby trees in their wolf forms for cover in case anything went wrong.

I forced myself to take several deep breaths as my wolf paced restlessly in my head, snarling her irritation. She wasn’t happy with our plan, seeing Lyle as prey and nothing more. She wanted to hunt, to rid us of this threat and move on. It’s a kind of hunt, I soothed her. A smart hunt. She growled her irritation, but she didn’t fight me for control.

That’s it, kitten, Ian cooed. You’re doing well.

I still agree with her wolf, Zev grumbled. Shannon’s plan is awesome, but he doesn’t deserve a second chance to come back at us.

If he comes at her again, we’ll handle it the bloody way, Alarick stated icily. There will be too much of a threat to the pack otherwise. But this offers an interim solution while Raff gets paperwork in place to transfer her to our care. I snorted. By getting paperwork in place, he totally meant forging paperwork. I was totally onto him.

I pushed from the car, letting the door close behind me as I headed for the picnic bench I had picked out. Not bothering with the seat, I settled on top of it, my eyes tracking around me.

He hasn’t been here yet, Ian assured me. He has no idea what you are, no idea that you’d think to outsmart him or try anything over on him. His words soothed my nerves, and I breathed a little easier, feeling the muscles in my shoulders relax.

Probably because he thinks I’m just a scared, seventeen-year-old girl who he can manipulate. Yeah, I was a bit bitter. Sue me.

Try to keep your own reactions calm, Shannon reminded me. I’ll tone you down if I need to. If we need to use the recordings, it’ll help if you don’t sound like you’re losing it.

I may hold you to that, I told her emphatically, fighting the need to fist my hands. I turned my face up toward the sky, letting the wind cool my flushed cheeks, breathing in the Copyright 2016 - 2024