Thunder Moon Ascending (Lupine Hollow Academy #3) - Quinn Arthurs Page 0,33

grab my father. “We have to go soon.” She hesitated, considering him. “We can lock him away for now. Bodyguards, the whole nine yards,” he assured her. “Just until we get this done.”

“First,” I began, as I pushed my power forward, focusing on my father, “is there any plan in place that you are aware of where anyone will get hurt tonight or tomorrow? Anything that if you tell us now, we can prevent it?”

“No,” he croaked out, sagging in Alarick’s hold, his head dropping down.

“Truth,” I told them. “At least as he knows it.”

Alarick faced off with my father. “You will follow me silently. You will not act suspicious. You will stay in the cell in which I confine you. You will not try to escape. If anyone tries to help you escape, you will incapacitate them and remain here.”

Pixie tugged me into her arms as Fillian and Alarick led my father away. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. I’d been running down the edge of the hallways to leave a scent trail then sneaking out the windows and pulling myself onto the edge of the roof before backtracking.”

“Explains why you stuck to the top floor,” I told her with a wry laugh. She nodded against my chest. “You know they’re going to kick your ass for that, right?”

She giggled. “I hadn’t exactly expected them to find out. Besides, there are railings up there. It’s not that dangerous.” Not that dangerous my ass. Funny though. “I’d been trailing you back again when I heard you talking. I thought there may be an issue with someone, so I waited to see if you were okay. I didn’t know he was your dad until you guys started arguing. Then I was just so mad, but… I don’t want to make you look weak.” Her eyes sought mine as she chewed on her lip. “Did I screw up? I mean, I want to stand up for you guys, but Shannon’s mentioned that I have to let you stand up for yourself too, just like you’re letting me stand up for myself with Lyle and…”

“No, you didn’t screw up,” I promised her, tucking her hair behind her ear. “I didn’t even know I needed to say half of what I did. It all just, I don’t know, came out. I’m glad it did, because if it hadn’t, I don’t think he would have admitted what he did.” I shuddered at the realization.

“How many of them?” she whispered, pressing her face against me as I leaned into the desk.

“What?” I asked, confused.

“How many of our pack are working with Starlight Woods or someone else? How many members are we going to lose? How many are betraying us?”

I sighed, wishing I could answer her. “I don’t know, Poppy girl. I wish I could say not many. But prejudice runs deep. This has been a long time coming, and it’s going to be a long time leaving. I don’t think they’re all as bad as Gwyar, but I don’t think they’re all going to be as good as some of our friends either.”

“Thank you for standing up for me.”

“Of course I stood up for you.” Shock coated my words. “You changed everything for us. Hell, you see us when no one else does. You gave my brother everything by helping him see himself as the omega he wanted to truly be. I owe you so much.”

She considered me for a moment, watching my eyes. “Is that why you’re with me? In this relationship? Because of your brother? Because of a debt?”

I growled, pulling her tightly against me. “Is that really what you think? I’m in this because of who you are. Because you saw us as separate people. Because you make me laugh and make me think. You stand up for me but let me stand on my own. You’re a center for me, Poppy.” I pressed my lips to hers, tugging her up onto her toes so I could kiss her long and deep. “I’m falling for you because of who you are, who your wolf is, who you make me be. It doesn’t hurt that my brother is falling for you too, because we are a pair.” I searched her eyes, hoping I wouldn’t find disgust there but unwilling to use my powers on her, this wasn’t a moment for that. “I know that’s not the human way. Some would say it’s not even the wolf way, but it is between Copyright 2016 - 2024