Thraxas and the Ice Dragon - By Martin Scott Page 0,12

grey buildings in the centre of town, reflecting that I might have a hard time making a living in Samsarina. I'm not certain that there's enough crime among the mainly-rural population to keep an investigator in employment.

"Help me!" screams an anguished voice nearby. Maybe I was wrong about the crime. I sprint round the corner where I find an elderly gentlemen having his belongings removed by three armed men. I grab one of the men by his collar and toss him to the ground. His companions round on me.

"Stay out of this." One of them brandishes a knife in my direction.

"Get out of my sight or I'll make you swallow the knife."

I place my hand on the hilt of my sword. With no more threat than this, he hurries off, followed by his companions. A very poor class of street thug, if that's all it takes to scare them. That's not to say my actions aren't appreciated by the grey-haired, grey-bearded man currently brushing down his cloak and looking relieved. He bows, thanks me, then introduces himself.

"Arichdamis. Chief Mathematician at the court of King Gardos."

"Thraxas of Turai," I reply. "Chief Adviser to Lisutaris, Mistress of the Sky."

"Really?" My companion looks impressed. ""Is Lisutaris here in Elath?'

I look around for any sign of the thugs. They weren't the bravest robbers I've ever met but they might have friends nearby so there's no point in hanging around. I suggest to Arichdamis that we move on. He tells me he was heading for the baths. Reckoning that it's no bad thing to be on good terms with an important figure at the King's court, I offer to accompany him. It's a sacrifice, as I was hunting for a tavern, but one I'm willing to make. We walk back to the northern outskirts of town, then turn left towards the bathing houses.

"Why were these thugs attacking you? And do you want to report it to anyone?"

"Report it to anyone?" Arichdamis doesn't seem to have considered it. Though his eyes are quite alert, he has about him a slightly distracted air, as if he's got part of his mind permanently on some mathematical problem. He might have, I suppose.

"I take it you live in one of the hillside mansions?" I ask.

"I do."

"If you're heading for the baths, weren't you rather out of your way?"

"Just taking a walk," he replies, pleasantly. "Good exercise."

He's tall and thin, and stoops slightly. He looks like he could do with some exercise. I should just let it pass. Often there are things you shouldn't talk about. But not talking about things is something I've often found difficult.

"Well, if you'll take my advice, next time you're out buying an illegal bag of thazis, don't walk down any dark alleyways."

This gets his attention. He stops, and stares at me. I take a package from my pocket.

"You dropped this when you were attacked. I suppose it's what they were after. It would fetch a fair price around here, with it being illegal, and the King so keen to see it stamped out." Arichdamis looks very alarmed. I hand over the bag. "Don't worry. I'm not about to tell anyone. I'm a Private Investigator by trade. I'm not in the habit of giving away secrets."

"It really is vitally important that no one learns of this," he says.

"I've never ratted-out a mathematician yet. Which baths are you going to?"

I'm expecting him to be heading for the King's Bathing House, but apparently the post of Chief Mathematician doesn't carry that much status. He's heading for the common baths, same as me. We stroll up the hill together. I ask him if he's ever encountered Lisutaris. He hasn't, but he's heard favourable reports of her power, and her intelligence.

"Lisutaris would love to meet you," I tell him.

"Would she really?"


Arichdamis looks pleased. As far as I know, Lisutaris doesn't care that much for mathematicians, but she'll certainly be pleased to meet a person with a nice bag of thazis in his pocket.

Chapter Seven

Because of the King's presence, security is tight. Soldiers are stationed on the roads around the town's mansions. They have dark green tunics, polished breastplates and gleaming weapons. On the way back to Kublinos's house I'm halted at a checkpoint, where a Military Sorcerer searches me for hostile spells while the Captain of the Guard verifies my identify.

"Thraxas of Turai, Chief Adviser to Lisutaris, Mistress of the Sky," I mutter. Already I'm sick of saying this. It's not like anyone believes I'm giving her advice.

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