Thraxas and the Ice Dragon - By Martin Scott Page 0,11

much busier. Tents and stalls have been erected on the outskirts of the town, where armourers, leather-workers and food vendors are plying their trade. We pick our way through carefully. Elath is a town which appears to have grown in a haphazard fashion. There are large, well-built mansions to the north, used as summer homes by the Barons, but the rest of the settlement is a dull collection of low, grey stone and timber buildings. Many of these show signs of cheap construction and poor maintenance. Narrow streets run in apparently random directions, clustered around a town hall which is anything but grand. Even the statue of St Quatinius looks second-rate.

Makri look around her with distaste. "They don't believe in spending a lot of time on architecture, do they?"

"Probably not. The place is mostly empty for ten months every year."

Kublinos's residence turns out to be one of the largest mansions on the north side of town. While he personally escorts Lisutaris to some luxurious guest suite, a junior servant leads me and Makri to two tiny rooms at the very top of the building. I'm not complaining. I've lived in worse. If I'm not exactly as happy as an Elf in a tree, I'm fairly satisfied. At least I'm warm, with a roof over my head. I shudder at the memory of the boat. I lie down on the small bed and drift off to sleep, thinking about the sword-fighting tournament, and the fine opportunities it affords for gambling.

When I waken next day, I feel like a bath, which is convenient, as I'm in a town famous for its hot baths. Perhaps I'm setting my sights too low by allowing myself to be shuffled off to the common bathing house. After all, I'm Chief Adviser to Lisutaris, Mistress of the Sky. That ought to worth something in terms of status. I tackle Kublinos about it over breakfast, which we eat in an oak-panelled room with heavy leather chairs and a nicely flickering fire in the grate. It's the sort of decor you'd expect to find among wealthy citizens of Samsarina. Comfortable, but nothing modern; furniture that was passed down to them by their grandparents, and silverware that's even older. Kublinos quickly squashes any hopes of me being admitted to the King's Bathing House.

"The building is reserved for the aristocracy. Only the King, his Barons and certain members of the court are allowed entry."

"Does that include you?"

"Senior Sorcerers are admitted, yes."

"But Lisutaris is going to the Queen's Bathing House. Don't I have some status as her Adviser?"

Apparently I don't. Makri doesn't appear for breakfast. I find her outside in the grounds, practising with her swords. She never likes to go for long without a weapon in her hands. It makes it all the more ridiculous that's she's refusing to enter the tournament.

"What are you looking unhappy about?" she asks.

"This class-ridden society! It's not right that the Barons get all the best hot water and I have to squeeze into some grubby pool with a bunch of farmers."

"It was much the same in Turai, wasn't it?"

"I suppose so. But I thought that being Lisutaris's Chief Adviser might have boosted my status."

"You said goodbye to your status when you mistook Baroness Demelzos for a serving wench," says Makri. "Anyway, your status isn't as low as mine."

"You should take revenge," I say.

"What do you mean?"

"Show them you're as good as everyone else. Enter the sword-fighting tournament and win it."

Makri laughs. "Forget it. I'm not entering some ridiculous tournament. I'm busy. Lisutaris is meeting the Samsarinan Sorcerers and I'm going along as her bodyguard."

"She didn't tell me about any meeting. Where are you going?"

"The Queen's Bathing House."

I blink. "What? You get to go to the Queen's Bathing House?"

"Of course. You can't expect the Head of the Sorcerers Guild to walk around without her bodyguard in wartime. What if an Orcish spy tried to assassinate her?"

I don't take the news well. The thought of Makri splashing around with the female aristocracy really irritates me. Damn it, you couldn't get more common than Makri. She was born in an Orcish slave pit. I'm a solid citizen with an exemplary record of public service and war-time heroism. They should be welcoming me into the King's Bathing House with open arms. Now in a poor temper, I decide to fortify myself with a beer or two. It's still early in the morning but there's no harm in checking out the local taverns. I stroll past some of the low Copyright 2016 - 2024