Thin Air Page 0,63

into this guy's orbit; she didn't strike me as especially strong, and Eamon just radiated competence. Bad competence, sure, but..."I'll show you, but not until we have an agreement. Do we?"

"No. We don't."

"Damn. I was hoping I wouldn't have to raise the stakes, but you really leave me very little choice." The warmth drained out of his smile. "Things can happen to your sister. Terrible things. I'm not saying that I would personally do them, but such things can be outsourced these days, and it's such a cold, cruel world for a sensitive woman with a drug problem, yeah?"

I was almost speechless with fury. "You-"

"Ah!" He held up a long finger and waggled it gently from side to side. "Let's not insult each other. We both understand that Sarah's a dependent personality; if I want her to stay with me, she'll stay, no matter how I treat her. No matter how much I hurt her. If you want to ensure your sister's future safety and happiness, you're going to have to pay me off. And that means this one simple favor."

"Fine," I snapped. He raised his eyebrows. "What, you want me to sign it in blood? You've made your fucking point!"

Eamon sniffed the air. "Is that brimstone I smell? Love, I'm not the devil. I don't require signatures, and I wouldn't want your grimy, well-used soul, either. Don't play the innocent with me; I've seen you without your airs and social graces." His eyes focused in on me like laser guidance systems for a bomb. "And by the way, I know what Orry did to you that day in the desert. I don't blame you for killing him. It did put me to a spot of inconvenience, but no one can debate that he deserved what happened to him out there."

That spoke volumes about things I didn't remember, and was glad I couldn't. I shuddered, but I did it inside, where he couldn't see. "Let's leave the past out of it," I said. "So I do this thing for you, and you're out of my life? Out of my sister's life?"

"Once and for all," he said. "Truthfully, I'm a bit sorry I ever came back into it. She's...difficult. But I did-and do-care about her. Please believe that. It's not all about leverage. If it had been, I'd have kicked her to the curb weeks ago, when she ceased to be amusing."

Strangely, I did believe that. Or wanted to, anyway. "I wish you had," I said. "She'd be better off."

He gave me a pitying look. "When I take the trash to the curb, I put it out in plastic bags," he said. "Think, love. I never claimed I was a good catch. But in my own way, I have tried to do my best for her."

"Just not enough to keep her off of drugs," I said.

He shrugged. "The only person who can keep Sarah clean is Sarah. You know that."

Eamon's philosophy of personal responsibility was convenient, to say the least. I got up and paced the trailer's worn carpet. The floor creaked. Eamon watched me without appearing worried about anything I might do; I stopped near a lopsided scattering of framed photographs and stared.

There I was, with my arm around Sarah. Happier times, clearly; I had a smug grin, and she looked rosy and glowing with happiness. Younger, both of us. There was another photo next to it of an older woman sitting on a beach, looking out to sea. There was a contemplative air to the picture, and a kind of sadness. I reached out and touched the face with a fingertip.

"I haven't seen this in years," I said. I was taking a guess that Eamon wouldn't bother with family photos-if he had, and I was pointing at a picture of his dear old mum from Manchester or wherever, I was probably screwed. He already knew my memory was faulty; I just didn't want him to know the extent of it. He'd probably assume it was confined to a specific period-hell, I'd have assumed that, in his place. The alternative would have seemed ridiculously unlikely.

Whatever he thought, he just said, "Sarah loves that photograph. She said it was your mother's favorite, as well. You took it, didn't you?"

I decided the safest course was not to answer. I picked up the picture and stared at it, trying to read its secrets. My mother. What had she been like? Had she been protective? Proud? Absent? Abusive? So many questions, and I knew Copyright 2016 - 2024