Thin Air Page 0,62

the sweaty parts."

"Watch it."

"Well, you know that I do enjoy that as well," he said, and grinned like a wolf. It made my skin crawl. Who was this guy? Why couldn't I get a decent read on him?

"Why'd you really bail me out?" I demanded. Eamon shrugged and tossed back the rest of his drink in one neat mouthful.

"I suppose because Sarah felt it was the thing to do, and I was curious about what you'd do and say; besides, I thought you might be useful. You had to know that I had her sometime, and it seemed to be a good time to press my advantage in that area. Tell the truth. Did you know I'd be with her? I know you were very serious about the threats you delivered last time, and I don't underestimate your ability to carry through...except that you do seem to be more alone than ever. What's wrong, love? Finally drive away the last few people who cared about you?"

I felt a buzzing in my head and a buildup of power along my spine. You can fry him like an egg, I thought. Erase any trace of this asshole. It'd be a public service. Except that I wasn't a murderer, and I didn't aspire to become one, either. I controlled my anger and directed it in less mutilating ways. "So tell me, was Sarah already an addict when you brought her to this little paradise, or did you start her on that once you got her here, just to keep her occupied?" I asked. "And don't give me any you-didn't-know bullshit. I know, and-" And I just met her. I didn't want to say that, though. One thing about Eamon: He was inspiring me to keep my cards close to my vest. "And I don't live with her."

I thought I saw a deep flash of something in his eyes, quickly hidden. Anger? Appreciation? No idea. He was pretty hard to read, all around. His physical cues-a relaxed posture, friendly smile, graceful and gentle gestures-were all completely at odds with what I sensed was going on inside of him. Tightly controlled, this guy. And dangerous. I was sure of that part.

"Hardly my master plan. Sarah was bored," he said. "I didn't encourage her, but no, I didn't stop her, either. It keeps her...relatively content. And I'm sure you know that Sarah can be demanding. She's always going on about how much she misses her old life, with all her country club friends and shopping sprees. And while I'd love to give her that life...well. It's not possible, given what I do."

"And what is it you do?" I asked.

"Oh, love," he said. "You know exactly what I do. I'm a criminal. I'm a very bad man, and if you don't remember that, well, there's something very wrong with you, isn't there? And that can only work to my advantage."

The trailer was starting to close in on me. I was thinking wistfully of open forest, cold, sharp air, the company of David and Lewis. Good times, even if I'd thought I'd been suffering. This was suffering, right here. What my sister was going through with this asshole was real suffering, and he had every intention of spreading the joy to me, too.

"What do you want?" It came out harsher than I intended. My hands were curled into fists, and I forced my aching fingers to straighten out.

Eamon smiled at me, the same blindingly charming smile he'd used on Sarah. Luckily I was wearing my cynical sunglasses. "You don't remember, do you? None of it. Not Quinn. Not what happened in Florida. No wonder you're so careful when you say something to me. Couple of critical mistakes along the way, though: First, Thomas Quinn and Orry are one and the same, and you of all people should have remembered that, if you remembered anything. It was a bit important to you, that piece of information."

"What do you want?"

"Almost nothing, really. I just want you to change the weather," he said. "See? Couldn't be easier. Do that, and I'll forget the money you owe me, the favors you failed to perform, and I'll put your sister into rehab and part ways with her for good. I'll leave you and yours strictly alone in the future. In short, I'll give you everything you want, Joanne."

"In exchange for changing the weather."



"Ah." His teeth flashed, white and slightly crooked, just enough to give him character. I could see how Sarah got sucked Copyright 2016 - 2024