Their Forever - Chloe Kent Page 0,74

as her mind slipped into the moment when both Liam and Kade pumped their cocks inside her, the thin sheath separating them inconsequential as they filled her without leaving her any breathing space.

She faltered in her step as if she could feel their hot essence bathe her, then drip from her body when they released her. The sensation of minute strings of cum dripping out of her felt so real, she stopped to clutch her dress at the apex of her thighs as if she wanted to wipe it away.

Exhaling harshly, she took the steps down to the car waiting for her, her nerves as rattled as her heart.

She couldn't help the double take when it was John standing to attention at the car, keeping the passenger door open for her. She couldn't communicate her thoughts quick enough.

Kade had left. He was gone.

“Evening, little ma'am,” John said happily.

“Hi, John,” Olivia said, injecting cheer into her voice and overcompensating. “It's good to see you again. How are the gardens?” she asked brightly and feeling like a real fake. The truth was she wasn't coping well at all with anything.

She bit her tongue to stop herself from asking where Kade was, afraid she would give away everything in that one question.

She climbed into the passenger seat and allowed John to close the door.

“Kade asked me to fill in for him. I hope that's okay, little ma'am.”

“Of course,” she said, smiling, then on half a breath, asked, “Umm… did he say why?”

“No. Just that he had to take care of some business.”

She nodded and dropped her gaze from the rearview mirror from which John had been speaking to her.

She looked out the window at the city. Bright colorful lights shimmering under a moonlight sky, abuzz with excitement. She used to love that feeling, all wide eyed as Liam introduced her to the finer things in life. But no matter how much she tried for general musings, she only fooled herself.

Something wasn't right.

Where was Kade? What did he have to take care of? Was it something for Liam?

The balloon of dread she had been holding on to since she stepped into the car floated away, burst open, and showered her with ominous tidings.

She wanted to call Liam and tell him she had a headache and that he should come home. She couldn't explain her zealous intuition taking over her normally practical thinking.

She didn't know she made a sobbing sound until John asked if she was okay.

She opened her mouth to tell him to turn the car around and take her home. But her phone beeped, and she glanced at it. A message from Liam, that he was going to be at the theater in ten minutes.

She took deep sobering breaths and told herself she was being silly. Her emotions were all over the place, and she was imagining things that weren't there. She couldn't completely shake the anxiety which still swam around her peripheral like a shark waiting to strike, but she had gained enough levelheadedness to assure herself she was, in fact, overreacting.

“I'm fine, John. Thank you.” She smiled and sent a heart emoji to Liam.

She just had to get through this. Once they were home, she would have to realign herself.

But where was Kade?

Her fingers throbbed wanting to text Liam if Kade was with him, but she put her phone back into her purse and balled her hands, sitting rigidly until they reached the entrance of the Broadway theater.

Liam, looking like a god, had arrived already. He stood outside, waiting for her. Dressed in a tux which he had to have changed into on the plane, took her breath away. When she had texted him during the day, she tentatively asked if he would prefer to postpone tonight. His meeting had come up unexpectedly, she knew, and they could catch it some other time. But he knew the Cinderella musical remake was her favorite, and if she missed tonight's performance, she would have to wait a whole year to catch it the next time. He had insisted, then instructed her to be ready.

She stepped into his arms, clinging to him, absorbing his strength and his cologne, and tried fiercely to dislodge the feeling that Kade was missing.

“Where's Kade?” Liam asked as he glanced and waved at John.

“I don't know. He said he had some business to take care of.” Liam's thick masculine brows dipped to the center of his forehead. Liam never showed much emotion in any situation, but she couldn't ignore Copyright 2016 - 2024