The Texan's Contract Marriage - By Sara Orwig Page 0,38

was alive. She wanted Marek, but she had meant her argument. What she hadn’t told him was that she was not going to fall into his arms and into his bed at the first few kisses because it would be totally meaningless to him.

Sooner or later he would overcome his grief and he would want her physically, but it was lust and nothing else. If she succumbed, it was not going to be the first afternoon they were husband and wife, when they had nothing between them except working out this paper marriage and Noah’s care.

She intended to stick to what she had said, even though her body clamored for more. She wanted his kisses, wanted his lovemaking, but common sense said at this point that was the road to disaster. If she went to bed with him, she wanted him to be aware of her as a desirable woman, to remember she was his wife, to truly want her and know her way better than he did at the moment.

His brown eyes had darkened to midnight, and he was breathing heavily. He looked as if he could devour her. She didn’t know whether he was weighing her argument or trying to get desire under control as he stood staring at her.

Walking away from him, she viewed the open living area in front of her.

“This is fantastic,” she declared, trying to focus on something besides Marek and her own desire for more kisses. “It’s perfect and more than I dreamed.” The entrance opened into an airy, large living area with columns dividing the room from an adjoining dining area. Floor-to-ceiling glass doors opened to a veranda that ran the length of the house. Beyond it was the pool with fountains and gardens that overlooked the white beach and clear blue water. Tall palms ran along one side of the veranda, and there were palms scattered between the white beach and the water.

Camille walked outside, inhaling deeply and holding out her arms. “It’s gorgeous.” She spun around to tell him. He stood only a few feet behind her, watching her with such cool speculation in his eyes that her pulse jumped. Was he thinking about their marriage and what it might mean?

“This is perfect, Marek. I’m so happy with it. I won’t want to leave.”

“Yes, you will. You’ll miss Noah. You’ll feel guilty about missing your voice practice and language studies.”

“I plan to do those here.”

“Because of Noah, you’ll be ready to leave, but I’m glad you like it. For now we can change and swim or we can just sit out here, have drinks and then dinner.”

“A swim. I have to get into that water. I’ll beat you there,” she said, rushing past him, and he smiled again.

He was ready first, waiting when she came out. She wore a pink T-shirt that came to mid-thigh and hid her curves. She was aware of his scrutiny, far more aware of him. He wore plaid trunks. His muscled chest was bare; his broad shoulders and arms were hard muscles, probably from the ranch work he did. He had a smattering of dark chest curls and his legs were long. Realizing she was staring, she dropped her things and pulled off her T-shirt, hotly aware that he watched her.

She turned, flipping her head, causing her hair to swing back over her shoulders.

“I’ll race you in,” she said, dashing past him. In seconds he passed her and ran in the water ahead of her, splashing out until it was deep enough to swim. After a few strokes he turned to watch her as she caught up.

“You’re a good swimmer,” he said.

“You’re better. You beat me.”

“I used to compete in swimming a long time ago.”

“Then I won’t challenge you again.”

“You challenge me on a regular basis,” he said in a husky voice. He was flirting with her. A subtle change in their relationship.

“I didn’t think you noticed.”

“I’m not completely numb.”

“Did you say ‘numb’ or ‘dumb’?” she asked sweetly, teasing him. He laughed and splashed her with a wave of water. She shrieked and swam away. In a flash he caught up and swam beside her. He grasped her upper arm lightly while he treaded water.

“See that buoy?” he said, pointing at an orange buoy that bobbed gently in the small waves. “They told me that is the farthest out we should swim. It’s much deeper and tides are stronger.”

Glancing back at the beach, she was surprised how far they had come. “This water is beautiful.”

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