The Texan's Contract Marriage - By Sara Orwig Page 0,37

and any “what-ifs.” With Camille to keep his mind elsewhere, he was finding it easier to focus on the present, and that’s what he needed to do—try to be the best husband and dad he could be.

When they finally flew over the Caribbean, Camille hovered by the window, fascinated as a child by the bright blue water below. “Marek, it’s beautiful! It’s what I’ve imagined.”

“Camille, you’ve been south and have seen sights like this—Houston, San Diego, Miami.”

“Only Houston—I haven’t gone to Galveston or along the coast. I’ve been on northern coasts and in Europe, but I haven’t been to Miami or San Diego.”

“I’m surprised.” He smiled slightly again, watching her turn back to look, glad she was enjoying herself because he thought this so-called honeymoon in Grand Cayman was cheating her in too many ways.

They landed, and all her attention was on their surroundings as they drove to the villa he had leased. It was within high walls with a gatekeeper. The security wasn’t obvious, but Marek had already hired a company and knew it was in place. When they stepped out of the limo he took her hand to go inside.

“I love this,” she said, inhaling deeply, her gaze roaming over the sprawling villa. “I see we’ll have security here.”

“We will and a full staff who will stay out of our way. Under the circumstances I didn’t see any point in dismissing the staff,” he remarked.

“This is a magic place and maybe magic will happen.”

“You’ve been performing in make-believe stories too long,” he said, still amused by her enthusiasm. “Don’t count on magic. I know you have been places far more exotic and beautiful than this.”

“It’s what captures your fancy that becomes so special. And this does mine more than castles and mountains and bustling cities.”

He swept her into his arms, and her eyes flew wide. For the first time since they had flown away from the U.S., he had her full attention. “I’ll follow an old tradition even though it’s ridiculous for us. This may be the only marriage for either one of us, so I intend to do what I can to make it work and to keep you happy.”

She smiled broadly and wrapped her arms around his neck, her blue eyes ensnaring him in that manner she had. “Watch out, my husband, or you’ll cause me to fall in love with you. Neither of us can cope with that.”

“I don’t think there’s much danger, but if you do, we’re married.”

“If I do, then I will do everything in my power to make you fall in love with me,” she whispered, suddenly looking solemn. “That’s a promise,” she said, tapping his chest with her forefinger while he carried her over the threshold and inside.

He looked at her intently, desire stirring as it had the night he had kissed her. It had surprised him then and it did now. With their gazes locked, he set her on her feet. She still had her arms around his neck and she gazed up at him, fires in the depths of blue, a sultry invitation that made his heart beat faster.

He forgot the past and was lost in the moment. His gaze lowered to her mouth and he remembered her steamy kiss, a kiss that had jolted him and pulled him solidly into the present. He leaned down, placing his lips on hers while her arm tightened around his neck.

She pressed her soft curves against him. She was tall, warm and enticing. The moment his mouth touched hers, thoughts shut down, desire flickered to life. He tightened his arm around her narrow waist, pulling her closer against him. Long-dormant feelings stirred. His body came to life, heart pounding, fire consuming him while she kissed him passionately in return.

Her kisses were fiery and demanding. That energy and zest for life that she exhibited channeled into passion and melted him. His body responded fully. Desire rocked him. She surprised him when she leaned away. “Marek, wait,” she gasped. “Let’s not complicate our lives more. I’m not ready for a purely physical relationship in spite of saying marriage vows today. We’ve both agreed on that.”

Raising his head, he tried to get his breath. His body needed to cool. He desired her and suspected it would take little to crumble her argument and seduce her.

“I want to wait, and our kisses are leading to lovemaking,” she added. “This isn’t what either of us planned.”


Camille tried to catch her breath. Her heart pounded, and every nerve Copyright 2016 - 2024