The Texan's Contract Marriage - By Sara Orwig Page 0,28

eyes, seeing the earnest look, realizing he didn’t have any expectations that they would fall in love. “I will tell you if I think you need to know,” she answered.

He shook his head. “Tell me whether you think I need to know or not. I don’t want to hold you to something if you’re unhappy. Promise me you’ll tell me.”

“No. You won’t win this one. If I think you need to know, I’ll tell you.”

He frowned slightly, looking over her head in the distance as if watching something far away. “I’m not happy with that answer.”

“Put it out of your mind. Tonight there’s no need in worrying about something that might happen.”

Her gaze was held by his as he gave her a searching look. “Just remember, I tried to get you to promise to tell me.”

“I will remember,” she said, knowing she always would. How much time would they spend together? Questions constantly ran through her thoughts about her future. Could she avoid falling in love? Would he ever really notice her or get over his grief and come back into the world?

The next number was fast and it felt good to dance with him, a silly tune that made everyone on the dance floor smile, let go and enjoy themselves. Her gaze was locked with Marek’s, and he looked happy, but why wouldn’t he, when he had her promise to give him everything he wanted? He had let go, dancing with zest, making sexy moves.

She danced around him. At the end, he caught her hand, spun her around and dipped her low, holding her. She clung to him because she was off balance as he leaned down so her hair touched the floor. Both of them laughed when he swung her up.

“You’re beautiful, Camille,” he said lightly, smiling at her with his even white teeth showing. His rare smiles always heightened his appeal.

“Thank you. I didn’t know you’ve ever really noticed me,” she replied.

“I’ve noticed you,” he answered. “Ready to go back to the table?”

As they were seated the waiter appeared to open a bottle of champagne, an expensive brand she had only had once before in her life.

“We’re celebrating your acceptance of my proposal.”

“Congratulations,” the waiter said to Marek, then turned to smile at her. “Best wishes, miss.”

“Thank you,” she replied, laughing as he walked away and Marek raised his glass.

“Here’s to a successful union for both of us. May it fulfill needs and bless everyone involved.”

They touched glasses with a faint ringing sound of crystal.

“Marek, there are only two people involved in a marriage,” she pointed out drily.

He shook his head. “There are a lot of people involved. It will change other lives. Noah’s, Ashley’s, Stephanie’s, your family, my family. This wedding definitely will touch more lives. And this is a celebration because I hope, for one and all, the effects will be great.”

“I agree to that one.”

“May your joy be full, Camille, and your career soar.”

They touched glasses again, and she took another tiny sip of bubbly champagne.

She held up her glass. “May your joy be full, too, Marek, and may joy replace grief and give you peace,” she said, touching his glass lightly, watching him over the rim of her glass as she sipped. Her heart drummed. She couldn’t keep from glancing at his mouth, wondering about his kisses, wondering whether he would ever really kiss her. She looked up to find him watching her, but he still had that faint crooked smile and she suspected he had not noticed her studying his mouth, much less seen anything in her expression when she had looked up.

He leaned across the linen-covered table, moving a vase of roses out of his way. “I’m beginning to look forward to our tropical getaway, to being alone with you and getting to know you,” he said softly, stirring more tingles.

“You’re almost flirting, Marek,” she said lightly.

“We might as well have a little fun,” he answered. “And you’ll be my bride soon.”

“Sounds impossible. I hope your plans work as you expect. Such upheaval and monumental changes are scary,” she replied, thinking about having to part with Noah sometimes, as well as about Marek’s promise to keep her happy. He would try in every way except one. His heart was deeply guarded, locked away. Would he ever let go and love again?

He pulled a card out of his shirt pocket and held it out to her. “I’ll go with you tomorrow to this jeweler. I can put a limo at your disposal, Copyright 2016 - 2024