The Texan's Contract Marriage - By Sara Orwig Page 0,27

relatives and friends, it will be simpler because everything will appear normal. Also, we can take three or four days off and get to know each other. We can take Noah if you want. As far as I’m concerned, that would be fun. Or if you’d like just a few days away from the baby, your lessons and your practice, we can be the only ones. Actually, it might be wise for us to get to know each other a little better. We won’t be able to as much if we have Noah.”

“I’ll think about being away from him. Three days is definitely the longest I want to be gone.”

“That’s fine. What would you enjoy doing for a few days together?” he asked.

“If we’re going to do what I want, it would be magical to take just a couple of days, just a weekend, and go to some tropical place, perhaps the Caribbean. Somewhere that has palm trees and an ocean. If we go with Noah along, I’ll be willing to stay longer. Without Noah, I don’t want to be gone more than a day or two there plus a day going and a day to return.”

“That’s easy enough.”

“Frankly, I’ve been to Europe and will be going again. I’ve been to Russia and various cities in the U.S. I’ve never been to the tropics.”

“The lady is not only beautiful, but easy to please. The tropics it is. If the weather is good, and it should be, a villa on Grand Cayman in the Caribbean might be the perfect place. Do you want just us or everyone?”

She laughed. “Since we’re not telling the world that this will be a marriage of convenience, I suggest we go alone,” she replied. “Just two days in the tropics with a beach and I’ll be happy and store it in my memories forever.”

“We’ll take four days. Get married on Saturday, head for the tropics, stay two days, fly back to Texas.” He sat forward. “We’ll be going to an island where we can choose from several things to do the night we get there. We can go dancing, attend a show.”

“You just mentioned a villa. Let’s just stay there. It’s all new to me, and I’ll be happy just to sit and relax.”

“You’re easy to please, Camille,” he said again. She was a beautiful woman and she did turn heads anytime they were in public. He thought of Noah and, as always, his nerves calmed. This was the right thing to do and the only thing to get Noah really into the lives of the Rangels. “Let’s go to dinner now some place where we can dance. We’ll let off steam and celebrate working this out.” Without waiting for an answer, he stood and pulled a cell phone out of his pocket to make a call and get reservations for two.

Dynamic was another trait she could add to his description. He had taken charge and barreled through everything quickly, efficiently in a lot of ways. Would she have charge of her life from now on, or would Marek Rangel constantly influence it?

Within the hour they were seated in a private club overlooking the city with glass windows giving a floor-to-ceiling view. Steaks had been ordered, and Marek stood. “Let’s dance,” he said. On the dance floor he took her into his arms, holding her lightly. She was more aware of each contact with him, of her hand in his. The fact that she would soon be his wife was as impossible a prospect as the realization she would soon be a millionaire.

“I’m pleased by the prospects of marrying, seeing Noah grow up and being part of his life. I hope you are.”

“I have mixed feelings, and my sisters do, too. We’re all scared how we’ll feel the first time we’re away from Noah.”

“That’s natural. When we start, we’ll keep those times very brief.”

“Thank you. I feel much better knowing separation won’t be so long. So, Jess and your sister think this is a good plan?”

“Jess does. I told you that. Ginny is not so enthusiastic. Actually, Ginny is worried about me, which is ridiculous, but she’s my big sister and sometimes that pops out. She calmed down some after we talked and is a little better about accepting our marriage.”

“Our marriage. I won’t believe it’s happening even after we’ve walked down the aisle.”

“Camille, if you ever do fall in love with someone, come tell me.”

As they danced to an old ballad, she gazed into his Copyright 2016 - 2024