Tempting Hades - Emma Hamm Page 0,91

Anything could be perceived as a slight against Minthe, or her taking a step back in trust.

He didn’t know what else he could do to put her mind at ease. He didn’t want her to be uncomfortable here. But how else could he convince her that Minthe wasn’t someone to worry about?

He’d even considered suggesting they toss her into the flames of Tartarus and get it over with. Minthe hadn’t ever been all that important, anyway. If she needed to disappear for Persephone to be comfortable, then so be it.

Frustrated and angry, he tugged on the ceremonial armor he always wore for more important dinners and functions. The armor was uncomfortable at best, but it made a statement. And in the Underworld, everything was a statement.

Persephone had informed him that she would leave before he was ready. She knew the way to the dining room, so she said. He didn’t have to waste any time coming to collect her when she could meet him there.

Striding through the halls alone felt empty. Like he’d returned to the moments before her, when he’d been so tired of being alone. When he’d wanted someone by his side that he could trust and know would always take his side.

Wasn’t that what a wife should do? He didn’t know, but he had hoped it would be better than what it was now.

Sighing, he strode into the dining room on his own. Hades tried very hard not to look at Minthe, who he knew was wearing a triumphant grin on her face. She knew there was trouble in paradise, and likely that she was the one who had caused all the issues. How could he forget that she thrived on such drama? All nymphs did.

Persephone sat at the end of the table in her chair. She held her back straight and proud, her eyes barely seeing what was happening in front of her. With the beautiful tendrils around her face, she looked every inch the goddess.

He wanted nothing more than to hold her. He wanted to tug her into his arms, regardless of the people watching, and kiss her until she returned to herself once again. Hades missed her innocence and excitement about every aspect of the Underworld. Every detail of her hope and kindness was branded into his memory, and he yearned to see that side of her again.

Today would apparently not be that day. She smiled at him as a wife might, but it didn’t reach her eyes. There was still a cloud in them. Still an air of discomfort.

He sat down beside her and set his hands on the table. Not looking at Persephone at all. Instead, he watched their people. “Wife.”


Awkward. It was so awkward. He didn’t know how to make this better because he relied on her to be that bubbling, odd version of herself to draw him out of his shell. That was why he struggled so hard with the other Olympians.

Didn’t she see that? When she was happy, she was easy to be around. He didn’t have to worry, and he could just be himself without fear of what others would think.

Of what she would think.

Hades drew his hands off the table and fisted them in his lap. “You slept well?”

“I did.”


She hummed deep in her throat and reached for a bunch of grapes near her plate. Carefully, Persephone took each individual grape off and aligned them on her plate.

Was she uncomfortable as well? If she was feeling awkward, then maybe this wasn’t as bad as he initially thought. They were both feeling the same way. He could fix this.

Thanatos sat at his right hand and leaned forward with a hushed whisper, “We have a visitor for dinner, my lord.”

The last thing Hades wanted to entertain was a visitor. He needed to fix his relationship with his wife. Why did he have to be a king?

Snarling, he asked, “Who?”

The doors to the dining room burst open and Hermes strode through them. This time, the handsome messenger wore very little. A plain loincloth hung between his legs and a fine golden bow was strung across his back. He was suspiciously missing any arrows, though Hades doubted the god was ever intending to use the weapon. It was merely there to make him look more attractive.

Hades didn’t have time for this. While he appreciated Hermes’ antics sometimes, he didn’t intend to indulge the odd god now.

“What do you want?” Hades grumbled. “I want to get this dinner over and done with,

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