Tempting Hades - Emma Hamm Page 0,90

in that. Perhaps if she had more experience, then she wouldn’t be so jealous of Minthe. She might be able to handle the knowledge that Hades had once touched another woman the way he touched her, but that didn’t make any of this easier.

He must have seen the panic rising in her eyes. Hades nodded firmly and smoothed his hands down her back. “Understood. If you’d rather have Hecate handle it, then that’s what we’ll do. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable here, Persephone. Especially not when it comes to us.”

They were pretty words that eased the torment in her soul, but she still worried. What if Minthe did something while Persephone wasn’t at Hades’ side? Would she be able to survive knowing that the nymph had touched her husband?

And there it was. Now she understood his reaction when he’d seen the human touching her. Persephone already wanted to cut off Minthe’s hands, and she had done nothing overt to Hades yet. Persephone had only seen them touch innocently. All she’d seen was a jealous woman trying to get a rise out of Hades’ wife.

Damn it. She really had fallen into Hermes’ trap and now all she could do was hope to pick up the pieces before Hades stopped trusting her all together.

Persephone linked their fingers together, staring down at the stark contrast. Her hands were small and lean, but still tanned from the sun even though it had been a long time since she’d been to the mortal realm. His hands were streaked with grave dirt and earth, stronger and more powerful by far. They looked good together. Perfectly intertwined, just as the two of their souls were.

“I was out of line today,” she said. “I know words aren’t enough of an apology, and I will work to do better every day. I let jealousy cloud my mind when I should have been trusting you. I know you better than to think you would be with another behind my back.”

“You do,” he replied.

“And I know you aren’t like the Olympians I’ve met before. You didn’t marry me as some prize to put on a pedestal, and I certainly have no reason to assume you are like your brothers. You’ve proven countless times that you are trustworthy.” Persephone licked her lips, tears burning in her eyes. “This is my fault. I accept complete responsibility for that.”

Hades touched a finger underneath her chin, tilting her head up so she had to look at him and not the ground. “I do not appreciate such behavior, wife of mine. I know you were jealous and I have a feeling someone sparked this rebellion in your mind. I also know I married you because of that fire, and that it is as much a part of you as the magic that burns inside your soul. I accept your apology, Persephone, but see this does not happen again.”

Properly chastised, she ducked her head to look back at the ground. “It won’t, Hades. I’ll work on this and you’ll see. Every day will be a little better.”

Again, he tilted her gaze up. “And I will work on reassuring you in the ways you need. This isn’t entirely your fault, Persephone. I recognize that. Together we’ll find a way to make both of us confident in what we are building. Together.”

It seemed there was no escaping him, even when she wanted to. But he didn’t force her to continue talking about her feelings or the situation.

Instead, he pressed his lips to hers in a gentle kiss that eased every thought in her mind. All of it disappeared at his touch.

“Are you ready to go home?” he asked.

“Yes, please.”

As they turned toward the castle, Persephone told herself this would get better. She would be better for the both of them, and everything would work out perfectly. She had married him for a reason, after all.

But an ill wind trailed long fingers over her shoulders, and Persephone feared this might not be the end of their conversation after all.

Chapter 32

Hades tried to be better for Persephone in the coming weeks. He was more inclusive. He spent hours at her side, making sure she knew just how much he appreciated her being in his life.

And it still wasn’t the same.

No matter how much he did, or tried, or even told her, she was still pulling away. Maybe she was trying to be extra careful herself. Every decision and step must have felt like she was walking on glass shards.

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