Tempting Hades - Emma Hamm Page 0,47

long as she stays away from the gates to Tartarus, she’s fine.”

Neither of them could know that for certain. “I still plan to punish you both for this,” he scolded. “But first I have to find her.”

Hecate paled and Thanatos scratched the back of his neck again.

As he strode from the room, he wondered at his own anger. He shouldn’t be so controlling over what she did or who she saw. Hades knew better than to get so emotionally involved that he didn’t have any sense about him. She was just a girl learning about the new place where she lived. That was all.

And yet, he couldn’t help but think it was more than that. Hadn’t it been more at Artemis’s temple? Hadn’t it been more when she ripped the narcissus from the ground and released him into Demeter’s world?

She was the girl everyone thought was a child who pledged her very soul to the Lord of the Underworld without fear. And though she quaked when they first arrived, she hadn’t flinched at the sights that awaited her.

Sure, he could underestimate her. But Hades thought himself more intelligent than that.

Considering he already knew where to find her, he took his time walking across the black sand beach. It didn’t take him long, however, to realize he was being followed. With a heavy sigh, he called over his shoulder, “I thought I dismissed you, Hecate!”

The goddess of witchcraft materialized out of thin air behind him. She held her arms crossed over her chest and a frown marred her usually pretty face.

Hades waited for a few minutes as they strode down the beach. She said nothing. Usually a bad sign considering that meant she was either about to explode with her disappointment or she was about to scream. There was rarely an option where she didn’t scold him when she had to think about what she was going to say.

Finally, Hecate chose her words. “Maybe you should let her explore on her own for a while.”

“Why would I do that?” Hades paused, turning completely toward the goddess who he trusted with his life. “I thought I made it very clear why it was dangerous for her to wander.”

“Considering she strung Thanatos up by his wings with nothing more than vines she summoned out of thin air, I think she’ll be just fine.” Hecate let her arms fall to her sides. “She’s a goddess, Hades. Not some nymph you brought down here like you tend to do.”

He winced.

She had to bring up his past mistakes. Nymphs were a bit of a... well. He had enjoyed their company before, and he’d feared the two other Olympians would think he had chosen her as a wife only because she was so similar to a nymph.

Kore was certainly the closest he could get to marrying one of the lithe creatures. It would be unseemly for him to marry a nymph, but Kore? She was a goddess raised by nymphs.

No, that wasn’t why he was so interested in her. Hades was drawn more to her power and all the things that made her a goddess, not the traits that were nymph like.

He told himself that was the truth and narrowed his gaze upon Hecate. “What are you suggesting?”

“I’m suggesting you left Minthe to her own devices here for a very long time, and Kore could easily be the next nymph you toss aside.” Hecate didn’t pull any of her punches. She landed her blows in the form of spat words that bruised just the same. “This one is different, my lord. She’s not some toy to be played with.”

“I’m well aware of that. Why do you think I married the girl instead of just bringing her here for entertainment?” He ran his fingers through his hair. “I fail to see why this is of your concern.”

“All women are my concern, Hades.” Hecate’s gaze turned to the side, down to the Lethe where so many female spirits drank to forget. “I know the ache of their souls.”

And, oh, how they screamed. Some nights their wails made even Hades green around the gills. He didn’t know how to help them, and in truth, no one could. Only the waters of the Lethe would take away the pain they had suffered through their mortal lives. And when they came out on the other side, they would be whole again.

He sighed. “Listen to me, Hecate. I’m doing my best. And I think the best thing I can do for her is

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