Tempting Hades - Emma Hamm Page 0,46

But I am certain I can make him freeze in place and he won’t be able to lay a single finger upon me.” Kore squeezed her hands into fists against her ribs. It was a harsh statement, she knew. And maybe they wouldn’t believe her.

Thanatos looked at Hecate, then at her. “That’s outrageous.”

“I just need you to take the bet.”

Hecate frowned. “Why do you want the coins so badly?”

No, she wasn’t about to fall into that trap. Kore shook her head and waggled her fingers for them. “I’m not going to tell you that. Take the deal or not.”

The other two looked at each other and then back to her.

Thanatos grumbled, “Fine, I accept. But it’s not a fight or Hades will kill me. First person to bring the other to a knee, that’s the win.”

She supposed she could do that. “All right.”

He didn’t give her another second to think. Thanatos darted toward her with wings spread wide and his arms outstretched. He’d forgotten she had grown up with Demeter and all the green things that came at her call. And that she had already discovered her magic worked here.

With a flick of her wrist, Kore summoned cave dwelling vines to lash out from the ceiling like whips. They caught around his wings, arms, and legs. Like he’d flown into a net, he hung suspended between the floor and the roof within seconds.

His eyes went wide in shock. Thanatos let out a croaking, “What?” before she let him go.

Hecate was laughing so hard tears streamed from her eyes. She gestured with her hand, “Here, queen. Take them, take them!”

She snatched the coins before either two could change their minds. Gold clutched to her heart, Kore turned around and started toward the rivers.

Now, she would fix this problem that had bothered her for too many nights. With or without Hades’ permission.

Chapter 17

“You what?” Hades said. He pinched the bridge of his nose and tried very hard to remain calm and collected.

Thanatos and Hecate stood before him. The former was rubbing his neck as he only did when he was getting in trouble. The latter was staring at him like he was crazy for scolding them.

Hecate was the first to respond. “We gave her a few coins and let her wander. She’s the Queen of the Underworld, Hades. She can do whatever she wants.”

“I agree.” He leaned over his mahogany desk and steepled his fingers, touching them to his lips. “And she can go wherever she wishes once I show her around. Do you really think wandering the Underworld with no protection is a smart idea for our future queen?”

Thanatos stretched one of his shoulders with an obvious wince. “I think she can look after herself.”

Hades refused to even look at the god of death after that. Thanatos knew his opinion was unnecessary, and entirely unwanted if all he could do was spout nonsense. Hades focused all his attention on Hecate, the only one in the room, apparently, who could make any sense. “Do I want to know?”

“No, my lord.”

Of course he didn’t. They got into the worst trouble when they were together, and he never should have let them out before introducing them to Kore first. Or at least letting them know she wasn’t to be touched by either of them.

Coins. They said she’d wanted coins. Now where would she be getting off to with those?

The answer came to him clear as day. She’d been avoiding him ever since he was cruel to that spirit, though he wanted to tell her about it because he feared the mortal’s intent. He’d lunged toward Kore to save her, and his angered bark had no bite. He never would have hurt a spirit.

And yet, she was still bothered. He was certain that was the problem, and that it was something she thought she could fix.

He never should have told her the coins were special. The first thing she would do once freeing herself from her chambers would be to thwart him. She was a child and a powerful one at that.

She was made to rebel, primed and ready to take her frustrations out on someone, anyone. And that person happened to be him because her mother wasn’t anywhere near.

He stood up and stretched. “I’m going to find her. Hopefully Cerberus hasn’t had his way with her.”

“What, kissing her to death?” Hecate asked. “Part of the reason everyone is afraid of the Underworld is that you encourage their rumors. You and I both know as

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