The Temporary Wife - By Jeannie Moon Page 0,71

could get a lot dirty. But it wasn’t only about sex—it was about trust.

“Touch me, Jason,” she said. “Touch me everywhere.”

That’s what he wanted more than anything, her trust.

“Oh, baby, you can count on it.”


When they pulled up in front of the apartment building, Meg was limp in Jason’s arms. God, what that man did to her. What he was still promising to do to her was probably illegal in twenty states.

His hands were like magic, tender, patient, and skilled, and his kisses took her places she’d never be able to go without him. She’d been worried that everything she was feeling was based in physical attraction. She wanted to believe she was savvier than that, but she wondered if her emotions had mixed with her hormones.

She opened her eyes and took a good long look at the man she’d married. It wasn’t her hormones talking, it was her heart. He was the one for her—the only one who could make her feel whole, who was her other half.

Jason was her soul mate.

A few weeks ago, she’d wondered how she’d ever continue to live with him, with his work and his moods and his entourage. Now that he’d let down his guard, she saw the eighteen-year-old boy paired with the man he’d grown into, and she didn’t know how she’d live without him.

Meg came to the realization that she was hopelessly in love with her husband, and it was a bit sad because she didn’t know if he could ever let himself feel the same way about her. She saw glimmers of feeling, and gestures like wearing his wedding ring gave her hope, but until he finally broke and let himself love her completely, it would only be half a marriage. And if she’d learned anything over the past couple of months, it was that she didn’t have to settle for anything. Her life was up to her.

How this went, how it ended, was also up to her.

“Come on. We promised to call Molly if it wasn’t too late.”

Meg slid out of the car and into Jason’s waiting arms. “I hope she’s still up,” he said.

“She’s with my sister and my mother. Trust me, she’s still up. They’re probably having English muffins and jam while watching endless Disney movies.”

“English muffins and jam?”

Meg smiled and held on to his arm as they walked into the lobby of the building. He nodded to the doorman, who smiled as they walked by. “English muffins are kind of a sleepover tradition in my family. When Carly and I slept over with my grandmother, we’d always have them. It was a special thing. I don’t know. You must think it’s stupid.”

He grinned and pushed the button for the elevator. “No, I love it. Traditions like that are important. I used to go to my grandfather’s office a few times a year, and we always went to a special place for lunch. Mario’s. It was in Little Italy, and they had the best spaghetti and meatballs.” He stepped into the elevator with her and pressed the button for their floor. “It’s good your mom will give her that. She’s not getting it from my parents.”

Meg rested her head on his upper arm, and when she did, she caught sight of herself in the elevator mirror. Her hair was all over the place, her lips were swollen, her face flushed. “Oh, my God!”

“What?” Jason wouldn’t care. He got her this way, but her reflection told her what other people saw.

“Look at me! I’m a mess! I look like . . . like . . .”

“Like you just had great sex?”

“Yes! Oh, my God!”

Turning her so her back was to the mirror, he kissed her collarbone. “You’re going to have lots more great sex before the night’s over.”

“Oh, Jesus. Why can’t I control myself?”

“You want to control yourself?” Jason ran the back of his hand over her cheek. “Why would you want to do that?”

“I don’t, but look at me.”

“I am,” he said on a breath. “I can’t get enough of you. God, Meg, I need to be inside you.”

She nodded, powerless to do anything but agree. She wanted him, too; even after having multiple orgasms in the limo, she wanted him again. It was crazy.

The door slid open, and they moved into the foyer and then into the apartment. One light burned in the living room, and the place was spotless, like there had never been a party. Jason dropped his tux jacket over a chair and Copyright 2016 - 2024