The Temporary Wife - By Jeannie Moon Page 0,70

It would cost a million bucks, and because of budget cuts, the district didn’t have the money.

But Jason did.

Meg stirred and snuggled closer.

He had an idea and wanted to talk to her about it. “Are you awake?”

“Mmm-hmmm. Just resting my eyes.”

“I want to ask you something.”


“How would I go about donating iPads to your school?”

Meg sat up and looked him square in the face. “What? Why?”

“All the elementary schools, actually. I want to outfit every classroom with a cart of thirty tablets. That’s enough, right?”

“Oh, my God. Jason, are you serious?”

“Yeah. The kids need them, so why not? The teachers could do some great work with them, and you could do that pilot program with the museum.”

“It’s going to cost millions.” She was still gazing at him, her face saying she didn’t quite believe him.

“About a million and a half, with carts and cases for two thousand tablets.” He stroked her cheek with his index finger, marveling at the softness of her skin. “I should probably up the amount, though. I’ll need to set up in-service training for the teachers, and I should make sure each of them has their own iPad. Do your classrooms have interactive whiteboards? I didn’t look when I was there last week.”

She nodded, and then a smile bloomed and Jason’s heart filled. He made her happy. That’s all he wanted—to make her happy.

Meg tossed her arms around his neck and kissed him. “It’s so generous. I don’t know what to say, how to thank you.”

“It’s only money, Meg. What you do with it is the important thing.”

She leaned in and kissed him again, and Jason knew right then that while letting her go was the right thing to do when the marriage was over, the collateral damage that he’d thought would be only on her side was going to be on his as well. Maybe more so, because when she and Molly left, the light would leave his life. Meg, on the other hand, would take that light wherever she went.

This wasn’t about the agreement anymore. He loved her and he couldn’t let her go without completely losing himself.

“I’ll get all the details about the purchase on Monday. Find out who I have to talk to in order to get this moving. If it looks like it’s going to get bogged down in red tape, I need to know right away.”

She nodded. “I love it when you get all CEO on me.”

He felt himself grin and get very, very hard. “Yeah?”

“Uh-huh. I like a man who’s in charge.”

Jason ran his hands over her shoulders and saw her eyes spark. That was all he needed. Dropping the privacy glass, he addressed the chauffeur. “Take a ride around the city. At least an hour.”

He put up the glass and turned to her. Meg was sitting back in the seat, her legs crossed and the fingers of her left hand playing with her hair. Her wedding rings glinted in the light, and he’d never seen any woman more desirable, more gorgeous, than his wife.

Jason always thought great sex was about variety, that having different women brought excitement to the bedroom. Now he knew, gazing at the bombshell he was married to, that excitement came from getting to know everything about one partner, about finding out what made one woman, and only one woman, beg you to take her to bed.

He had that chance with Meg. Sitting next to her, he leaned over and kissed her. Her mouth opened for him immediately, and his tongue invaded the sweet space. There was warmth and wetness, and she gave, just gave everything without question. Their tongues tangled and the taste of her became part of him. Everything about her, her softness, her scent, her taste, became part of him.

Reaching down, he slipped his hand under her gown and ran it slowly up her leg, stopping at the soft globe of her ass. Holy God, she felt so good. So soft, so smooth. Moving his hand between her legs, he fingered the scrap of material and found her warm center, and that’s when Jason almost broke, thinking about taking her right in the backseat of the car.

But he knew that wasn’t what this was about. This ride in the limo was wanton and reckless, and maybe a little dirty. It was about fun, and teasing each other to distraction. Of course, the way she arched against his hand when he touched her, and the way her tongue played over her lips, this Copyright 2016 - 2024