The Temporary Wife - By Jeannie Moon Page 0,62

Jackson, spoke.

“Whoa,” he said. “Who are you?”

They’d just done a poetry unit that incorporated nursery rhymes, and Meg was going to take advantage of the situation. She went to the closet, took out her shepherd’s crook, and faced her class.

“Let’s see if you can guess.”

The kids crowded around, and she checked out their costumes. There were some cowboys, police officers, more than a few princesses, a dog, a couple of fierce-looking ninjas, cats, and mice—she really loved Halloween.

Meg put on her best sad face and stuck her lip out in a pout. “I’ve lost my sheep!”

“LITTLE BO PEEP!” the class shouted.

“Excellent!” At least they remembered.

“Mrs. Campbell,” one of the princesses said, “we have visitors.”

Meg turned toward the classroom door and was more than a little shocked to see Jason standing there with Molly. Her little girl had her fingers to her lips, and her eyes were laughing as she looked at her soon-to-be mom. Jason’s face was something else altogether. If she were dressed as Little Red Riding Hood, he’d have been perfect as the Big Bad Wolf.

He’d obviously come from work, having picked up Molly on his way here. His charcoal gray suit made him every inch the successful CEO, but he’d relaxed the look with his open collar and loosened tie. The grin on his face was positively kissable, and Meg wished she could drag him to a closet to do just that.

Just as she was really getting involved in her carnal thoughts about her husband, Meg felt a tug at her skirt.

Glancing down, she saw the tiniest member of her class, Pia, almost being swallowed by her giant skirt. The child was dressed as a flower, wearing a green shirt and leggings with white petals encircling her perfect little face.

“Who is that, Mrs. Campbell?”

Meg realized there were twenty pairs of students’ eyes and all the moms’ staring at her. Time for her to stop fantasizing and introduce her husband.

She waved Jason and Molly into the room and addressed her students. “Boys and girls, this is Mr. Campbell and my little girl, Molly. She’s going to walk with our class in the parade.”

The students gathered around Molly, who was dressed like a fairy, and they swept her up in the excitement of the day. Jason leaned into the door frame, his expression something between boy next door and sexiest man alive, and it was all for Meg.

“What are you doing here?” she asked.

“Molly and I hatched a plan. I came home early so I could bring her here, and I figured we could take her trick-or-treating together.”

Looking up at him, Meg wondered if the happiness she felt in her heart showed on her face. “The two of you came up with this?”

“Yes, we did. What do you think?”

“I like it. I was going to take her to my mom’s neighborhood later. It’s easy to get around.”

“That makes sense.” Jason fingered the ribbon on her puffy white sleeve, and his eyes looked her up and down. “This is some costume. Who are you?”

“Bo Peep.” She swished her skirts flirtatiously and watched his eyes flash. “Do you like it?”

“It’s beautiful. Just like you.”

Meg bit her lower lip, letting herself enjoy his words, his gaze. What was making her heart squeeze, however, was the fact that he wanted to see her world. He was here.

There was a peal of laughter from a group of little girls who had taken Molly as one of their own, and Jason looked over. “It’s chaos here. How do you get them all to do the same thing at the same time?”

Meg grinned. “Magic.” She turned toward the group and clapped her hands in rhythm. Two long claps and three quick ones, and she could see Jason was stunned when the children stopped everything and copied what she’d done. She had their full attention, and her husband was impressed.

The kids were smiling and happy, and she was just about to give instructions for lining up when her entire class started squealing and pointing behind her.

Meg turned, and coming at her was a very large pirate. Grant. He stalked into the room and snarled at the kids. Jason had his back to the wall by the door, and Grant had walked right by him. Her husband had folded his arms, and his face was stone cold and expressionless. He was not happy.

“Ahoy, mateys!” Pirate Grant growled. “Me pirate ship is docked offshore, and we’ve been told to bring this maid back to Mother Gooseland.”

Grant caught Meg’s eye Copyright 2016 - 2024