The Temporary Wife - By Jeannie Moon Page 0,61

his beautiful wife.

“A week from Saturday there’s a fund-raiser at the Met, black-tie; it’ll be lousy with celebrities.”

“Need me to take your tux to the cleaners?”

He took her hands and leaned in so he could look in her eyes. “No, we have people to do that. I want to know if you’ll accompany me to the benefit, Mrs. Campbell?”

“Really? Why?”

“Because I want you with me.”

“Black-tie? I’d have to get a dress.”

“We’ll go shopping. You should probably get a few gowns. The holidays are coming, and there are other events we’ll be expected to attend.” Suddenly, Jason realized he was looking forward to taking her shopping and to parties. He couldn’t wait to show her off.

“Is this to make me feel better?”

“Yes. I didn’t think about everything you must be going through, and I should have. I’m sorry.”

“I don’t need to be placated.”

“I know. I want you to know that I heard you. I’ll do whatever I can to make you happy.” For a second, he thought she might rip his head off, but instead Meg nodded and looked up at him. “I expect I’m going to mess up, but I will try.”

There was a hint of relief in her eyes, but they had a long way to go if they were going to make this work between them.

“I want to talk to Grant, though,” he said. “I can’t have him upsetting you the way he did. I get that he has feelings for you, and that he was blindsided, but you’re married. To me.”

“You’re sounding a little possessive.”

“I guess I am. I’ve missed you, and I know I screwed this up, but I want to get you to forgive me.” He slid his arms around her waist and pulled her in. She let him, and Jason saw that as a small victory. “Is Molly asleep?”

“Uh-huh. You don’t need to talk to Grant.”

Her hands were resting on his forearms, and just her touch made his blood hum. Restraining himself, he kissed her temple. “Then tell Grant to back the fuck off or he’s going to have to deal with your husband.”

Unexpectedly, he saw her grin. “Okay. You gonna try to beat him up?”

“Don’t question my machismo, woman. Those big guys move like freight trains. I can take him.”

Meg giggled and laid her head on his chest, allowing herself to be held, and it was the best feeling Jason had had in weeks. He didn’t know what he was going to do about everything happening between them, but for now he could take care of her and make sure she never felt alone.


An hour later, Jason gently moved the papers from Meg’s lap and placed them in the folder on the den coffee table. His pretty wife was sound asleep, having drifted off about fifteen minutes after her show started. Jason considered waking her, but he liked that she was curled against him, her head resting on his chest.

Fiddling with a lock of her hair, Jason didn’t want to move, because he loved having her so close, so safe. Her warmth, her softness, chased away the stress of his day. There was nothing better.

Chapter 15

Meg changed into her costume right after lunch while the class moms were helping the children get ready for the Halloween parade. It was an annual event at her school, and after the parade there would be a special Halloween story and snack, and then the little darlings would get on the bus to go home. For more sugar-laden fun.

Molly only had a half day, so the housekeeper was going to get her dressed up so she could come participate in the parade with Meg’s class.

Glancing at herself in the mirror, Meg smiled. She always did something fun, and this year was no exception. As she put on her lipstick, she wondered what the kids would say about their teacher playing Little Bo Peep.

Her costume was awesome. The pink and white dress fell all the way to her ankles, and the skirt was puffed out by multiple petticoats of tulle and lace. She wore an apron and had stashed her shepherd’s crook in the classroom closet. The sweetheart neckline was pretty but not scandalous, and the final touch was a bonnet on her head. She’d left her hair down, and the curls fell around her shoulders. Meg tilted her head and approved. She looked just like she’d stepped out of a Mother Goose book.

When she walked into her classroom, the kids fell silent, until one little boy, named Copyright 2016 - 2024