The Temporary Wife - By Jeannie Moon Page 0,43

standing between his knees with both Jason’s arms wrapped around her waist. It was a delicious place to be, snug and secure and close to him, but as much as she wanted to stay right here, she heard her stomach rumble and realized she was starving. Leaning in, Meg kissed him, and he took that as an invitation to pull her into his lap.

“Are you all rested up?” he asked.

“Yes, but I’m hungry. We missed dinner.”

“That we did. It’s a good thing my crew is very efficient. It’s all packed up in the fridge. We just have to heat it up.”

He kissed her again, and again, and Meg melted into him, thinking she should stand and get them both something to eat before they passed out. Sitting in his lap felt perfect, and she didn’t want him to stop kissing her, but it was time for her to exercise some self-control.

“Jason, I need food. We both do.”

“Hmmm. Are you sure?”

“Positive.” With her hands on his chest, she pushed away, even though it killed her to do it. Once she was free, she moved toward the fridge.

He smiled and winked at her, and Meg had to put another barrier up around her heart, because this man was lethal. With everyone else he was the computer nerd, a rich and gorgeous one to be sure, but that night he was her personal Prince Charming.

“So,” she said, opening the refrigerator. “What are you hungry for?”


His grin was positively wolfish, and Meg held up her index finger in warning. “This isn’t funny anymore. I’m growing weak.”

“There’s some seafood pasta in a container in there. How about that?”

“Perfect. Carbs and protein.”

“Should give you lots of energy.”

Meg shook her head. “I’m going to be crippled by the time this trip is over.” Examining the different containers, Meg found the one with the pasta and took it out. “Don’t you dare suggest that I get on a bike after what you’ve done to me.”

“What I’ve done to you?” Rising and coming toward her, Jason grabbed her hips and moved her against the wall. Once his thighs had her locked in place, he took both her wrists and shackled them with one of his hands, extending her arms over her head.

Goddamn, she thought. Every inch of her was on fire. Every one. Her core was throbbing, and all she could think about was getting him inside her, but if she let it happen again, she would be crippled and she’d faint from hunger.

When she looked in his eyes, Meg saw something change. The playfulness, the fun, had left him. Instead, something slipped into Jason’s gaze that she’d seen when they made love earlier, that brought her back to a moonlit night in an open field. In that moment, he wasn’t the billionaire, he was the boy she’d loved all those years ago, the boy who, back then, owned her heart.

Meg wiggled her hands from his grip and brought them to his face, touching his cheeks. He still owned her heart. And he would, forever, but Meg could never let him know. Never let him in. The cost to herself had been too great last time, and now she had Molly to worry about, as well. This had been an intense month, and the last couple of days showed her how easy it was to lose control of her emotions.

As long as Jason was so guarded, so unwilling to feel anything, she had to resign herself to the fact that this relationship was finite. Meg would be with him, love him in her own way, but she would never again let herself believe he was forever.


Jason lay awake, Meg curled against him, wondering what the hell he’d gotten himself into. Their night had been amazing, and Meg was the same as she’d always been—warm, giving, completely open—and he knew the gift she gave of herself was more than he really deserved.

Tilting his head back, he saw the sun coming up through the stateroom window, and he was fairly sure he’d be able to give her something pretty wonderful if he could get her up and out of bed.

He gave her a nudge, and she groaned, sniffled, and snuggled into his side. He pushed a huge lock of golden hair off her face and tried again. “Let’s go up on the deck. The sun’s coming up.”

“It’ll come up tomorrow,” she groaned. “Can we watch then?”

“No, come on.” He gave her a shove. “It’ll be worth it, I promise.”

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