The Temporary Wife - By Jeannie Moon Page 0,42

her, moving, putting that look he loved on her face again.

“You should know,” she said while nibbling his ear, “that I had a checkup and there’s nothing for you to worry about. I’m also on the pill.”

“I’m fine, too,” he said. “But I’ll use protection if you want.”

“I want to feel you inside me,” she said in his ear. “Just you.”

Her hands traveled down his smooth back and cupped his rear, urging him forward, and as he nestled between her legs, Meg saw something flicker in his eyes, something familiar, something from long ago that she never thought she’d see again. And as Jason entered her, slowly to allow her to adjust to his size, his face was bliss. Pure bliss.

They’d been here before, this perfect place where they came together as one and thought of nothing else but each other. The pain of old wounds slipped away, no longer mattered, and as Jason filled her completely, he called her name. And Megan felt bliss of her own.


Meg stretched when she awoke in Jason’s bed. It was dark outside, and glancing at the clock she saw she’d been asleep for two hours. Sadly, she was alone. When she sat up, everything ached, but it was that lovely ache that came from being on the receiving end of really great sex. Really great sex.

There was a familiarity and comfort between the two of them that Meg knew she would never have with anyone else. Jason knew her deep down, who she was and who she wanted to be, and that only came when you were with people who knew you when you were young.

She had worried that making love with him would be awkward or tentative, but it wasn’t. It was fun, playful, and very, very hot—just like it was years ago when they didn’t think about anything but being together. When she didn’t think about anything but being with him. But all the memories were mixed with something new, with maturity and the tenderness that came when you started thinking about your lover and not yourself.

The anger and hurt flashed for just a moment, and Meg did what she’d been doing for the past few years—she crushed it down. Now, especially, she had to let go of the feelings of anger and sadness she associated with that time in her life and with Jason and his family. Maybe the time together, maybe the intimacy, could help settle things between them. They’d have time to talk it all out, and it was possible, with all that tension diffused, they could go back to being the friends they once were.

She stretched again, and thought about staying naked in this bed for the rest of the trip. It was like lying on a cloud of silk. Everything was smooth and luxurious, but she missed the feel of Jason’s body. His strong muscles, his smooth skin.

She looked around the cabin for a T-shirt and found an old one from MIT in his drawer. There was also a plush terry bathrobe that had been left for her. Pulling it on over the T-shirt, Meg ventured out of the stateroom to find Jason.

Just thinking about him made her girl parts all tingly, and after more orgasms than she could ever remember having in a year, let alone one night, she wanted him again.

Shaking her head and laughing, Meg thought about herself in the role of nympho after three years of celibacy. He was everything she could want in a lover. Everything she’d never want to give up, but would have to because of their agreement. He didn’t do long-term relationships, because for some reason he’d convinced himself that was best. So she’d enjoy it while she could.

Wandering through the living area, she saw a light and followed it, finding the galley and Jason sitting at the small table in a pair of baggy sweatpants and nothing else. He had a cup of coffee next to him, his laptop in front of him, and he was totally zoned out.

“Hey,” she said softly. “Couldn’t sleep?”

“Hey.” He pulled off his reading glasses and laid them on the table. “I had to take a call about an hour ago.”

Meg let her fingers comb through the hair at the nape of his neck. “Didn’t I see an office right off your stateroom?”

He nodded, looping an arm around her waist and pulling her close. “You were sleeping, and I didn’t want to disturb you.”

With a slight shift of position, Meg was now Copyright 2016 - 2024