Tell Me - Ashe Barker Page 0,62

home, alone.” Tony advanced along the hallway. He hit the light switch and started opening doors. He hadn’t been here more than a couple of times, they preferred his house. It was bigger, more possibilities. Still, he remembered the layout and quickly eliminated the kitchen and living room. That only left the bathroom, which was off her bedroom. He opened the bedroom door and his heart stopped for a few seconds as he took in the scene.

The bottle of pills, opened on the bedside table, its contents scattered across the carpet beside the bed. A wet stain on the wall opposite the door, the shattered remains of what looked to be a wine glass on the floor. And in the bed, the shape of her body concealed under the duvet, lay Thea. Still, so still.

“Christ! Fucking hell, Stephen, call an ambulance.” Tony hurled himself across the room and ripped the duvet from the inert form on the bed. Stephen was right on his heels, digging in his pocket for his phone.

“What’s happened? What has she done?” The older man was dialling nine nine nine as he spoke, but Tony assumed the question was rhetorical anyway. He grabbed Thea and pulled her into a sitting position. She was fully dressed, apart from her shoes. She still had her coat on, the same one she had grabbed as she fled from their office earlier that day. Tony gave her a quick shake.

“Thea, speak to me. Thea!”

Her eyes were closed, and remained so, though he felt rather than saw the shudder which ran through her. She seemed to be conscious, trying to shake off Tony’s grip.

“Ambulance please. Overdose I think.” Stephen’s tone was crisp and business-like. Tony admired his ability to respond to the emergency before emotions could get in the way. He was glad the older man was here because he was not at all sure he’d cope alone.

“No. No ambulance.” Thea murmured the words, but they were clear, sharp.

Tony tipped her chin up with his fingers. “Thea, look at me. Are you okay? Did you take any?”


“How many did you take?”

“How many what? Leave me alone.”

She was starting to struggle in earnest, but Tony tightened his grip. “Pills, for fuck’s sake. How many did you take?”

“What pills? What are you talking about?”

“These fucking pills.” Tony grabbed the half empty bottle and rattled the remaining contents in front of her face. “Was this full?”

“What? Yes. No… I spilled them.”

“I can see that. How many have you taken though?” He was struggling to remain calm, as calm as Stephen who was talking to the emergency operator, giving directions to Thea’s apartment. Despite his efforts Tony’s voice was rising as desperation started to take hold. He couldn’t lose her, not like this. Not now.

Thea tried again to shake off his hold but without success. “Are you mad? I told you, I spilled them.”

“How many, Thea? How many pills did you take?”

“None. I didn't take any because I spilt them and I couldn’t be bothered picking them up. Happy now?”

Tony stared at her, a flicker of hope flaring. “Are you sure?”

“Do I look like an idiot to you? Really? Of course I’m bloody sure.”



“So why’s the bottle here? It isn't usually.”

Thea gave up struggling and lay back against the pillows, her eyelids drooping. “It is, actually. But I normally keep them in the drawer. My head was spinning when I came in, churning. I wanted to sleep so I intended to take one, two perhaps. But my hands were shaking and I dropped the lot. It was just too much bother to get out of bed and start gathering them back up so I left them. I’ll sort it. Later.”

“And the broken glass?”

“A moment of anger. Frustration. I threw it. After I dropped the sleeping pills.”

“Sorry, false alarm. No ambulance required after all. Thank you.” Stephen ended the call, then moved to stand at the foot of the bed. “You’d better take her into the living room while I clear this lot up. Don’t let her stand on the floor with bare feet.”

Thea rolled onto her side, her eyes still closed. “No, I’m staying here. I’ll be fine, I just want to be on my own.”

“Bollocks. Not happening.” Tony slipped an arm under her knees ready to lift her, but Thea wriggled away from him across the bed.

“If I wanted company I’d have answered the bloody door. Can’t you two take a hint?” She cracked open her eyes to peer at Stephen, clearly puzzled. “What Copyright 2016 - 2024