Tell Me - Ashe Barker Page 0,52

him to continue. He took the pebbling nub between his teeth and bit, hard enough to hurt. She let out a squeal, the first of many he would hear from her in the coming hour or so he hoped.

He released her and stepped back to admire his handiwork so far. He wasn’t satisfied. He wanted it harder, more swollen. More pain. He took her nipple between his finger and thumb, and twisted. Thea screamed.

“Sir, sir!”

“Too much?”

She shook her head, but he knew. As always, he knew. He pulled the nipple clamps from his pocket and allowed the chain linking them to drape between his fingers. He slipped the ring over her nipple and turned the tightening screw slowly, watching her face as he did so. Her mouth was the only part visible, but he caught the pursing of her lips, then the grimace as the pain really started to bite. She whimpered, and he stopped.

He left the clamped nipple to attend to the other, repeating his actions until he was satisfied it was sufficiently pebbled. He intended her to fully appreciate the impact of the toys he’d brought for her. He slipped the second clamp into place and tightened it as he had the first.

He stood back again, and raked her body with his eyes. It never failed to impress him, the sight of a lovely woman bound for his pleasure, her nipples clamped, occasionally her clit too, though that was not his intention today. Too personal, too intimate for here. He would save that for later. At home. When he could fuck her arse to his—and her—heart’s content. The management at the club took a dim view of couples actually screwing in the dungeon, though more or less everything else would be tolerated.

He moved in close again and palmed her breasts, squeezing the lower curves. He pressed them together to create a deep cleavage, and buried his nose in that. Thea groaned, her discomfort increasing by the second, every movement of her tortured nipples excruciating for her.

“Do you want to stop yet, sub? Had enough?” He knew the answer, could tell by her slack mouth, by the way she ran her tongue across her lower lip. Still, no harm in checking. He slipped his hand under the wisp of fabric covering her pussy and tested her wetness.

She was soaked, hot and wet, grinding against his hand.

“You want me to finger fuck you?”

She nodded, gnawing on her lip as she thrust her hips forward.

“I think not. Not quite yet. You’d come in moments, and you know you have to earn that.”

“Please, Sir…” Her tone was ragged, her desperation mounting.

“First you have to please me. I have more for you yet.”

“What? What more…?”

“This.” He bent to pick up the tawse and drew the rigid handle across her shoulder. “Do you know what it is?”

She shook her head.

Tony held the leather under her nose. “Sniff it. Breathe it in. Now do you know?”

“A… a whip, Sir?”

“Almost. Try again.”

“Your belt? It’s leather.”

“It is. You’re close. One more try, then I’ll show you what this little beauty can do.”

“A strap? A spanking crop?”

“That was two tries. Cheating, my little pain slut. You do need a demonstration, don’t you?”

“Yes Sir. Anything. Just—please, do it now.”

“Oh no, that’s not how this works, is it? I decide what happens, and when. You just wait until I’m ready.”

“I apologise, Sir.” She allowed her head to droop, her distress obvious at having earned a rebuke.

Tony wasn’t having that. He cupped her chin to raise her face towards his, and laid his lips across hers. The kiss was gentle, just the merest brush of his mouth at first. Her lips parted and he dipped his tongue inside, stroking her inner cheeks, her teeth, tangling his tongue with hers. He shifted in closer, his chest pressed against her clamped nipples. She winced, he caught the sharp intake of breath, but didn't break the kiss or soften the contact. He knew she needed this, craved the extreme of it. The rush of endorphins would calm and ground her, the euphoria when she came and the subsequent deep sleep he knew would follow would replenish her. His beautiful Thea might be bruised and sore tomorrow, but she’d be purring like a kitten.

At last he lifted his head. Her lips were swollen, pink from his kiss. He kissed her forehead for good measure, and moved around to stand behind her.

He swung the tawse and landed it hard across both buttocks. Thea cried out, her Copyright 2016 - 2024